Monday, November 12, 2007


Abby's Christmas Dress:

* I love this curtsy she has to do for ballet. For weeks she would lose her balance, but now she's really got the hang of it.


Jen Gray said...

Oh so sweet! I love it (and her curtsy)!

diane said...

Sure. This dress is going to stay in a closet until good luck!

The shoes give it just the right touch. Love that girl!

Albert said...

O My Gawd!

Juliana Shain said...

If you can believe it, I found a bunch of darling fancy little girl's dresses at Costco.

Ada said...

course I can believe it... for yourself or your precious? ;)

Juliana Shain said...

If I could fit into them, they would definitely be for me. The problem with my precious is every time I've ever bought her clothes, they magically disappear, never to be worn even once. So I have inferred the message that they don't care for my taste in clothes.

Ada said...

well thats a bummer...