Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jack loves Peekaboo (lower your volume)

OH my voice is WAY too loud and too close to the mic - but Jack is cute.

Course, I'm not totally sure how to translate his version of "peek a boo"... it's kind of like saying "Ta da" with the tone of voice of "I gotcha"

And... so went the entire afternoon.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Going to have to chop it off...

Mommmmm my finger hurts!!
What happened, did you bang it against something?
Nothing! Nothing happened to it, I think my body just made it hurt.
Awwh, well, sleep will make it better.
Oh Mom, I didn't want this pinky to hurt. It was my favorite finger on my hands because it was so little and cute.


Prayers are an incredile insight into your child's heart and mind.

Today Abby prayed for dinner:

Thank you for this wonderful world you made for us
Thank you for all the wonderful people
and the wonderful food
and the wonderful stuff
and for the superheros who save us when we're in trouble...

awhhh shucks... go ahead, shed a tear for the superheros...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Salon Steve

Well, that was the funniest ten minutes all week.

Steve was going to shave his beard and since Jack was looking a bit on the hippy side, he decided to shave Jack's head too - not like SHAVED but you know - trim. Jack looking side to side erratically as he played the kazoo and Steve tried to trim his hair in a straight line... and Jack found the process ticklish...pretty dang funny.

I'll have visuals... someday...

But Most of All

You would never forgive me if you knew how many incredibly sweet or hilarious or brilliant things Abby said on any given day that I didn't report... or often don't even remember past the hour.

She just came upstairs dragging two dolls in matching Gramma made dresses and a bag full of books that she wrote and illustrated and put together herself. I asked her how she was. She lamented that there had been a two tv show limit and that Daddy was watching his show now...

"But most of all, my eyes are leaking tears"

Then she asked if she could read me her book:
Mr. O had some o's for breakfast, they weren't O's but they were meant to dance.
(pause as the story changes)
This is an O, and he had some friends, but they never danced.
one, two three, there was two guys in a black shirt
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten, that's the end.

A couple weeks ago Jack was cranky and tired and finally quieted down with a bottle. Abby stroked his arm sadly and told me, "Poor baby guy, he'll never be the same..."

Miss Milly (the two year old's teacher) at Abby's school told me that she had been amongst a group of two year olds when Miss Milly had to explain that one of the fish in the fishtank had died. Abby put an arm on one of the youngsters and bowed her head, "We did all we could do." Miss Milly hears a lot of cute things and probably would not have reported this to me if she hadn't then heard the intent two year olds present solemnly repeating this phrase to other students all around the school.

Back in Hawaii, there are certain things that even when you have the coolest in-laws in the world, that are more difficult when traveling with one's kids AND this said whole family than just your own. There are just certain things that normally we wouldn't care if Abby did that needed more regulation out of consideration of others. There was one thing in particular that Abby just kept doing and I knew it was driving her crazy to have me stop her each and every time and I didn't really blame her, it was obvious that she wasn't intending this, and it was also obviously really hard for her to remember not to do. So finally I think she told me she didn't like it when I said "x" and I looked at her a second... then said, okay, but I can't just let you do that - so how about we have a secret signal, and when you see me touch my nose that means you forgot not to do this and you'll remember because of the secret signal. She readily accepted and we turned something that was on a collision course of frustration and fighting into an inside partnership.

BUT don't think I'm gloating. My girl, you see if very very smart. It worked once right? So, it just stands to reason she should take advantage of such a success and see if it worked in other areas of her life.

Two weeks ago Steve had a ton of obligations - to the point that he was absent for bedtime 5 nights out of 7. He made up for this with the kids and with me plenty throughout the week by being home for chunks of time in the middle of the day or whatever. All the same it is definitely more frustrating putting the kids to sleep without him here than it is when he is here. SO on this particular week I was already up to "here" with Abby's "Can I just tell you one more thing?" routine at bedtime.

SO, knowing I was up to "here" and it wasn't Abby's fault I was already up to "here" I took a very deep breath and sat down on Abby's bed while I read a little from my book and she read a little from her book. Sure enough she said "Can I just tell you one more thing?" And I, as always, said, "JUST ONE." And she kind of squinted her eyes and rubbed her hands against her face and she said, "There are TWO things I don't like that you say. "JUST ONE" and "LAY DOWN." (said in a stern voice, I don't yell at her)

I, too, am pretty smart, and I too recognized the success we'd had in Hawaii might indeed be repeated here at home. So, I readily ask, "Okay, then what do you think I should say when it's time to go to sleep and you still want to talk?"

Abby put her finger under her chin and replied solemnly, and thoughfully, "I think you should say, okay, I'll cuddle with you all night in your bed."

Hmm. Somehow, this wasn't working quite as well as it had.

I said, "Ummm, well, I would love to be able to say that, but this is your bed and I have my bed and I can't stay in your bed all night and you can't stay in mine. Maybe you'd be okay if I just said it nicer and gentler."

And she agreed, "Yes, okay, you could say 'would it be okay if you lied down now?'"

Ha. Good try. Anyone who's heart just bled and nodded at her suggestion, you're a softy and you will eventually fall at the hands of Empress Abby.

I said, "I promise to let you know that you can only say one more thing nicer. But I still might have to tell you to 'lay down' now and then."

Today she started taking off her clothes. I asked her why. She said, "I'm getting my nightgown back on because pretend it's my relaxation suit and my other dresses are in my room."

Thursday, March 26, 2009


If you hadn't noticed - I put a couple bookshelfs up toward the bottom right of the blog here so you can see what I'm reading since Sarah and Maggers asked.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Your Hand at the Level of Your Eyes...

Any Phantom of the Opera fans out there?

Well, in a truth is stranger than fiction sort of moment, I find myself repeating this line from Phantom of the Opera in the early morning hours to Steve.

This is because Jack has a "I'm going to suddenly throw my skull towards your skull" problem.

It's not a tantrum, he just... sort of leads with his skull, so, for example, if he suddenly wants to change positions to go looking for that remote or to find a more comfy spot to lay he throws his head like a cute little shotput and then wriggles his body around to follow.

Believe it or not, even with 15 months experience with this behavior he still gets us even when we're fully conscience, but when I've taken Jack into bed for his 6am bottle so we can try for that last ten minutes of sleep, it's a lethal combination.

I'm really concerned he's going to break one of our noses... well, I'm afraid he's going to break Steve's nose - Jack's not getting near my nose because I sleep with one arm flung over my face and the other arm crossing it - my palm outstretched waiting to absorb the initial impact and deflect the projectile. Steve seems to think Jack should just stop this behavior. Yeah, well, I'm going to think that AND keep my skull intact.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Other Worlds

For whatever reason, during the early part of my pregnancies I escape into the worlds of my books - both old and new. It's a bit about just trying to keep my mind of how miserable I feel (no regrets about babies past present and future, I just don't like being miserable). It's a bit of just following the isolation I already surround myself with because of the pregnancy (it's as if my mind can only concentrate on one thing at a time, and when I'm pregnant... it's that) further - retreating not just from things outside of home but even in retreating within home. It's a bit about the comfort I have in retreating and the pleasure that I do still have the ability to be carried away by a story (when I'm not pregnant I have to be at a calm place in my life - i.e. babies have to be toddlers at least- in order to have the presence of brain to fully immerse myself into another world).

Anyway, point being, I've been reading a lot. Two books a day sometimes (that usually means I've missed a lot of details)... I should say I've been going THROUGH two books a day... but actually - I dunno - my mom has outdone herself picking library winners and I really have been actually READING the books. What a concept.

What I have found while reading my old books more carefully is that there are a lot of details I missed not just because I was skimming in my mind. I missed just a lot of subtleties just because I didn't pick up on them.

AND the most interesting was when we borrowed the newest book of a series I started in 6th or 7th grade?? Did my mom really let me read these at that age? I don't know exactly when - it was early. And no they aren't explicit in any way shape or form, but it's fascinating how clear I remember the first read of my favorites. Anyway, time hasn't passed for the characters and what I noticed was that I was still missing subtleties when reading this totally new book - and I think it's because my mind automatically saw the characters, READ the characters as I understood them way back then.

Just thought it was interesting.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Best Revenge...

Okay - this may not be a totally appropriate post... and, considering the lack of brain synapses firing in my poor excuse for a brain, I have probably talked about it already. All the same, I have to say what unholy satisfaction it gives me that Steve has now become the preferred, go - to, can't live without being held by, parent in our household.

Sure, when Abby is sick or Jack falls over the shoes he insists on moving all around the living room floor for the fifth time, it's Mommy they still want.

But in general, Jack mostly, desperately wants DAD. He wants to be held by Dad, wrestled with by Dad, eat whatever Dad is eating, play whatever Dad is playing (i.e. x-box and the computer). Jack does not want Steve to leave the room, whether it be to pee or go to work or shower. Jack thoroughly enjoys being with Steve and Steve thoroughly enjoys being with Jack... however... he is a little more used to not being QUITE so wanted.

And though I certainly try to distract Jack- give Steve some peace while he's eating like Steve once did for me with Abby, it still makes me laugh when the expression crosses Steve's face - the one I know so well because it was often trotting across mine - the "look, kid, I'm really glad you love me cuz I love you too but come ON give me a minute to put my socks on in peace."

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Is Gambling Illegal?

Okay here's the bet

What gender will the three babies be - in what order will they be born (hint, if Sarah's isn't first she's going to be a very very very cranky 14 month pregnant woman).

Megan's in for making Adrea cupcakes:
Sarah: Girl
Adrea: Boy
Megan: Boy (to be fair she may not have meant in that birth order, she'll let us know in comments)

Adrea's in for making everyone else cookies:
Sarah: Girl
Megan: Boy
Adrea: Boy
(Even though I'll still lose the bet, I would like it on record that there is a good large piece of me that says Sarah is also having a boy but just a glimpse of her today made me switch my vote to girl)

Sarah's in for making us all cupcakes either way because we'll still be pregnant LONG after she delivers and has lost all her pregnancy weight and has opened up a Pasadena fit mother's league and challenged the state in most miles run by any person over the age of 20.


So... now that everyone's all in the open... for those of you counting... that is THREE, count them, THREE pregnant women in our little family nation. THREE babies before Christmas. This doubles David and Marysue's grandchildren count in the span of four months.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Make Me Enough

If any of you pay attention to patterns you may have figured out why I'm AWOL.

We are very tickled to be pregnant again...

Tickled and... freaked out.

This was unplanned. To say it is Steve's fault hardly seems fair and yet... Just kidding. Truly, ever since falling in love with Jack with as much fervor as we fell in love with Abby there has been a little tiny... little... question mark, like, awh, shucks, it's too bad Adrea doesn't enjoy much about pregnancy. It's too bad she is just starting to breathe easier with two kids it would simply be irresponsible to add a third as Adrea is really really not sure how she'd cope...

Anyway, there's been some wavering shall we say on making it official that we were really truly totally done with two. But then again, Steve's been busy.

And our birth control though not 99.9% like the pill has worked just fine for 8 years...

I think a "whoops" pregnancy is one of those things that women secretly think would be fun. I know I did. So, by no means am I unhappy or sad or anything like that.

The discovery of the whoops will likely be one of my most treasured memories actually. We were in Hawaii and I was waiting and waiting for my monthly thing to get going and just figured, seriously, just figured it was the travel that had me off. I felt silly and naive for wanting to take a test since obviously I was going to be proven not pregnant at any moment. Sure, I'd been near fainting dizzy in the car after the plane ride then a long drive to the condo - but I never have been a very good flier.

Then I was looking in the mirror thinking, gosh, I'm going to have to get started on that exercise, I look like my pregnant self. I'm thicker, wider, not awful, just... not quite myself. Of course I didn't connect the two things until Sarah good-naturedly told me not to worry about the family picture we'd just taken, I didn't look nearly that busty in person (she knows as most of you do, I'm not into being busty). I hadn't thought I'd looked particularly busty but I stared at her for a second... then I found Steve and suggested he go somewhere alone and buy a test.

Easier said than done when you are traveling with the family the size of a small nation.

Still, I wasn't that anxious about it because... it would just be too ridiculous. And... ha ha... the whole idea of a whoops, was just a fairytale... I .. I... I.... okay I started to get a little anxious that Steve go make up SOME excuse and get himself to a pharmacy.

He finally did late one night. I immediately took the test while Steve stood in the hallway frustrated about the labeling of pregnancy tests (one said 100% and one said 90%, what the hell kind of person is going to pick the LESS reliable one?). The thing beeped (of course Steve got a digital one). I looked down at the little stick on the floor. And... just shook my head and laughed. Steve, poor Steve, didn't know how to interpret that and he smiled too, "So we're- er- what -does it-"

I hugged him and I think both of us went off to la la land trying to think and plan and figure out what this meant for us. It must be said, happy though I was, I think Steve was really really pleased. Not sure how much either of us slept that night. I alternated between a goofy grin and a look of abject terror... I was fairly certain my mother would never speak to me again (she is not a big fan of "pregnant Adrea"), but I knew that not even my pregnancy crankiness would induce her to move again, so there I had her trapped.

She swore alot good naturedly as only my mother can, when I told her. But we both decided to batten down the hatches and weather the storm for another little wriggly baby.

Weathering the storm isn't particularly fun or easy for me when I'm in my first trimester of pregnancy, something I was quite certain I wouldn't have to weather again. Especially since I felt totally normal up til about week 5.5 (I found at at week 5) ... so I was thinking maybe... just maybe... I won't be so sick this time... maybe it was all in my mind.

Yeah its just as bad, it might be worse.

But, as I look at my kids I think how I would do anything in the whole world to keep from losing them from anything, anyone, anyhow - I figure I'll think of this as saving the baby that I'm going to be loving just as much as those other two rascals... and that gives me peace... it doesn't help too much, but whatever. Let's just say Jen G was a much better nauseous person than I am...

I'm working on getting through the sickness, and then, I'm afraid, I may become wholly conscious of just how not enough I feel I am to take care of the house, myself and three kids. Come on, you all know it's a stretch. I'll figure it out, but that's my prayer... OH Lord, God, PLEASE make me enough. And of course I already know He will, and as the transition stings, I'll have my parents and Steve's family and Aaron's late night ER calls to bridge the gaps.