Sunday, September 28, 2008

Things Jack's Cry Sounds Like

a) a creaking door

b) a murder victim

c) a tortured cat

d) a very sad little boy

Steve had to work until 12:42am last night. At 11:30pm I was drifting off into sleep when I heard a door creak. Like clear as day. I wonder if

a) I dreamed it
b) it was jack's cry
c) an ax-murderer was in the house.

A minute later Jack screamed his "b" scream. This does not ease my mind as he does tend to wake up after a noise - a particularly sound sleeper he is not. So, as no one was killed, I have to assume it was Jack - possibly distorted by dreamland.

P.S. I'm allergic to cats

8 years I've been sleeping stuffed up. Rather unattractive. Cats went bye-bye - breathing returned. Epiphany had.

Parenting 101

1) Don't worry about anything because it all just happens all on it's own.

I don't know how many hours I have spent trying to insist that Abby dress herself.... try buttoning things... eat pudding... I mean... you name it - I've worried and fretted how to get my children to achieve whatever.

And as soon as I give up... or maybe a long while after I even forgot I gave up - it all just sort of happens.

2) The child is always right (except when they insist wearing princess shoes on the stairs is safe)

Jack was unreasonable angry this morning when Steve tried to feed him. He was obviously sleepy (Jack - though Steve probably was too), and definitely wanted the bottle as the pacifier only made him angry. He would suck on the bottle for a little while, seemingly going to sleep... and then become VERY upset and try the pacifier then get upset etc. Steve brought him up to me and I tried... and quickly agreed this was not normal and checked the bottle - yup the nipple was clogged. Poor kid.


Maybe its this time of year.  

I feel like I'm in a creativity surge again.

Which is definitely a positive, but its crowded in my head at the moment ;).

I lost the book stuff I had on my laptop 25,000 words ... no word yet if it will be recoverable. Believe it or not  - thats really not THAT many words - but it would have been nice to have it to reference.  Come to think of it, my beta readers may have saved a draft or two.  Sandra and I are back on in partnership... I am pretty sure anyway.  I'm committed to seeing it through with her (we're not ready to start yet which is fine with me) but I won't feel abandoned if we decide we won't be able to do it.  I have a plan, and she's just too dang brilliant not to take the chance with.

The Christmas project has been outlined.  Ideas are flowing, both my mom and I have visions of patterns and colors, composition and energy and EMOTION we want to get started on.  

The Elizabeth House Project - which has ended up being mostly my mom as morphing what we're trying to do with watercolor hasn't turned out to be... workable in invitation accent form - and when it comes to pure drawing, my mom is the star.  BUT I still worked on it with her and will continue to until it's done.  

Photography - there is something about not having my laptop full of old handy images that makes me itch to build up a new store of material.  Itching for little ten minute sessions.  I can't take too much time away from my family obligations... but little ten minutes - here... there... just got to try to get them in.  It's really just about making those calls, "Hey - do your kids look cute today?"  ;)

So hey... if you find your kids look particularly cute - and you don't mind a whirlwind session - give me a holler.  I'm not EASY to get a hold of now a days, but I'm eager all the same.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I made Cookies

Am getting used to new computer related routine...

Am less cranky because I made cookies.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The House Of Cranky


I apparently have the computer plague.

My laptop is dead (we'll give it to DINO to see if its a simple thing).

Samantha's laptop doesn't have the system requirements to support photoshop and for some reason I can't easily download the update (how weird is that?).

Steve's laptop has some sort of photoshop malfunction where I can't press "file... open" without it crashing IMMEDIATELY.

I am cranky.

Steve is cranky.

Jack... he's doing better.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


My laptop has apparently died. This does not make Steve nor I (nor my mom) happy at all.

And anyone who likes my photographs... this should not make you happy either.

I do not have photoshop on this computer. My pictures are stuck.

On a positive note - most of my photographs are safely tucked away on my external hard drive (thank you Samantha).

If I love anything on my laptop of sadness it will just be the pictures of Jack's only activity yesterday that was not crying (he had taken out all the pots and pans and was banging them on the ground). It was cute - but if that is the only casualty- I'm lucky.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Now, does the fact that Abby snapped Jack out of his two and a half hour crying jag for twenty minutes of blessed happiness imply she is a wonderful sister or I am a crappy mother?

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Sometimes, even the best of us get a little behind...
If anything I would say it's been the fun of taking more risk in photography that has caused a bit of a slow down in keeping up with the standard (JUST as important)... that and just simply the volume I am taking... Which, must be massive considering I was taking more pictures in a week than most people take in a year already...

In backwards time order (just like I like it)

Soul-less (aka Samantha) photography brings you: The Close Up Project:

The point of my San Diego detour at the beginning of September (besides more quality time with Noni):
Sandra herself
We spent EVERY day in the pool which was appreciate both by the Brits and the kids:


Mess: A Haiku

Pockets of mess all
Spread out and driving me mad
Gladys will save me

She just adds more of
the pockets of clutter but
at least they're piled neat.

And once the piles are
So nicely stacked and counters
clean, I can kill mess.

I bask in the clean
and calmly take issue with
One pile at a time

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I just need to whine a little and that helps me get back on the ball.

Recovered Abby's bedroom from becoming a national disaster zone, am keeping up with bottle cleaning, separated out all Abby's 4 year old clothes, made a hair appointment for both Steve and I, thought about other stuff.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Okay, Not to be Over-Annoyed... BUT

You know how my pediatrician's office has been short on vaccinations since Jack was born? And they initially said they would call me when they came in or I could go to the Pasadena Health Center for like 15 dollars a shot. Not bad... I wanted to go on the list instead though. Of course - the list got chucked when there were NO hib shots for oh you know 10 months.

SO after being rebuffed by my own doctor's office I reluctantly call up the city.

And I go today.

My appointment is on the second floor at 2:30.

I get there at 2.

I check in with security on the first floor.

I follow a maze of signs to the elevator and go to the second floor.

I ask someone in order to figure out what window I'm supposed to go to. Its a wide open waiting room with a little stand up baby toy there. There is a mom and daughter there but no one else. It's not looking too bad.

I fill out paperwork and sit back down.

The other people get called.


I get called... and sent to...

Another waiting room twenty feet away.

A smaller one.

With fifteen people in it.

The nurse tells me with a straight face that there is ONE person ahead of me. Naive as I am I think hopefully that all these other people (except one of them) are being sent out to other departments.

Five minutes later the nurse sends in another mother/baby and says the same thing to them. I don't know how she lives with herself.

I start to get a bad feeling when I notice that everyone else has large yellow and white paperwork with them.

I hopefully think - maybe they had to pay in a different way then me. Maybe they'll let me pay when they call me.

Luckily I had pretty much given up on that hope after seeing several people get called - go the opposite way of the screaming behind the door where babies were getting shots and then come back varying times later with their snazzy paperwork.

Jack is wonderful but melting down is something he's seriously considering every five minutes or so.

An hour and a half later (I kid you not) they call my name. I don't get excited because I know I'm not close to out of there as many of those snazzy receipt holding people haven't been called since they came back.

In the office with administrators they tell me which shots Jack is lined up to get. I ask a question (since Jack was supposed to get the hib shot at 2 months and every two months after, do I continue that schedule even though he's almost 10 months) - bad idea. They don't know the answer so they just keep reading the same two lines of explanation at the bottom of the immunization chart hoping that that will make it sound like they sort of know the answer. It's FINE I insist, I'll ask a doctor, its not applicable to TODAY's issue... which is how do I get OUT OF HERE?

They give me a snazzy yellow paper... I have my credit card out hopefully.

Naive again.

No, no, I need to take this snazzy yellow paper go back DOWNSTAIRS next to security to the general cashier - wait in line and pay there and then he will give me my fancy paperwork.

I sigh and think - despite my anxiety this morning - I would be in tears by now if this were last year. I've come a long way. Jack, poor baby, is NOT happy and thinks I'm being completely unreasonable - I did not bring the wrap because I didn't think I'd need it... you see why it pays to be PESSIMISTIC?

I go DOWN the elevator, back through the maze of hallways and find - oh good - there are four people in line at the cashier. The person at the front is a pregnant woman arguing with the cashier about her birth certificate. Jack screams.

Luckily the three men in line have pity and all start making googly faces at Jack who appreciates this quite a bit. This seems to be a male bonding thing as they all translate Jack's screams into various comments about having to wait in line.

The woman, after taking a slow (challenging?) look towards the mob behind her eventually walks out.

The next guy has obviously done this before - shoves exact change and forms through the window and doesn't wait around. The next guy shoves a whole BUNCH of forms thru the window and too much payment which is fairly quickly sorted. The next guy could have started arguing because the policies were ridiculous but mercilessly let it go.

I went up there the same time that the phone rang... it was a personal call. He took it. He got disconnected... sucks for him.

Oh, but don't worry, they called back... and he took the call again.

I did get my snazzy paperwork though and I didn't cry or even get filled with rage.

I went back up to my small waiting room - had no way of knowing or checking on whether or not they'd called my name in my absence (there is no window in this waiting room - only a sliding wood door that cautions people from approaching).

Jack takes the rest of his bottle (another mercy - my water bottle was hot from the car) and goes to sleep. Poor guy. He is awoken only when the needles go in.

He thinks this is rude.

But he gets over it in time to flirt a bit with the nurse.

The nurse was great actually. But every other part sucked pretty much.

I'm supposed to go back in two months - the nurse confirmed that my doctor's office isn't making it up and the hib is indeed at a shortage.

I'm trying to find another way to get the hib without going through this again... because it was dumb.

Anxiety - thy name is... me...

I am irrationally anxious.

Right now.

I have trash to put out that I don't want to - diaper pail to empty...

No food in the house for lunch.

Laundry is stalled...

Jack has shots later today...

I have FOUR workdays next month.

There are so many things I want to do with my time... and I don't want to not spend quality time with my kids... i.e. even though I want to be spending more time with photography and more time with friends, and trying to figure out my yoga plans... I also don't want to bother - don't want to set up babysitters - don't want to not be with the kiddos...

Priorities and balance - I know - blah blah blah...

And Jack is asleep and its almost time to pick up Abby and he'll probably be hungry when he wakes up but we don't have time to get him straightened out before picking up Abby...AACCCCCCCCK.

Right, but I'm not supposed to want to be anxious... so I suppose... blah. I don't feel like being better.

I feel like panicking.

So there. I'm going to go eat some worms.

edited to add:
ok it all worked out. AND I fixed a health care problem, whoo.

Friday, September 12, 2008


OH dear.

Tomorrow is the Rose Bowl kick off thingee for soccer. I told Abby about it but had no idea what sort of picture was being formed in her little mind.

Whats going to happen (I think) is that their little group is going to run out onto the field together - I don't think anything else is happening! i.e. playing! I have no idea.

But apparently "rose bowl" already means something huge to Abby as she had a hard time going to sleep tonight at Gramma's because she was so worried about it.

To break my heart completely she texted me "Mommy. I don't know how to play soccer so I don't want to go tomorrow. abby"

I do not know if or how I transferred my terror of organized sports embarrassment onto her - I am so different about it than when I was a child - so I just can't imagine that it is my doing.

All in all, it just grinds my heart because I remember that fear so well. Intensely.


I'm sending Daddy in - he has an incredible ability to chill her out on these sorts of things.

Fear of bugs- for example - totally my fault.

Last First Day of Pre-school

for Abby yesterday-- went off without a hitch....

I work at the school today... rah.

Actually, as expected - this third year I finally feel comfortable; that's my pattern allright. First stage/year avoid all contact. Second - dip toe in water. Third - chill out and be fine.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Oh Brother Where Art Thou

You know, I am not in practice checking out my mom's blog for comments often enough (after I've read the post obviously) since, no pressure Mom, but she hasn't been updating until very recently.

So I missed the- er- SMACK talk that Aaron instigated on her recent post here.

It's war all right.

And I have a secret weapon.

I've just told my secret weapon that Uncle Aaron wants to take her to Disneyland and then for an overnight trip... and that nothing would please Uncle Aaron more than to stay up and watch Ariel's new movie several times... and then act it out.

My secret weapon thought that was a great idea!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Waiting to Exhale...

All right, all right, enough of my family secrets... or... family delusions... whichever.

School starts this week. The idea is glorious. I feel like it won't make enough of a difference yet - everything still feels hectic and cluttered and out of control... but at least there will be routine... blessed routine.

Monday, September 08, 2008

The Truth

There are a lot of movie and book quotes about the truth.

A lot of them have to do with the fact that somehow, someway, you can't bury it for long.

Eventually it WILL come out.

My family has had a truth buried - or well, they'd like to think it was buried... for a long time.

I've known better.

Even though everyone else can see the truth as glaring as the sun, my family still thinks they do a good job hiding it. Or maybe its not even that insidious. Maybe they really believe the lie.

I don't know.

I can't speak for them.

What I do know is the truth.

The truth is... no one in my family... Not my highly educated father or my exceptionally talented mother or even my boy-band-handsome brother... and certainly not me... Not one of us have one little tiny ounce of directional sense.

They fight me. Like really fight me when I try to bring the truth to light. When I try to set them all free from their ill-fitting masks - they resist, they squirm, they might even have a tantrum.

But it's the truth and I'm not ashamed to say it.

And it DOES come out... in stories here and there - when they aren't thinking of covering their tracks - it comes out - like the tidbit of a story my mom put on the Abby/Jack blog about Aaron.

Yes, yes, I know dear Father and Mother and Brother. I know you are all exceptionally smart and brave and eloquent and witty. You just have to accept that this little flaw - this missing piece in the make up of our chromosomes does not make you lesser people.

It makes you lost a lot.

But not lesser.

Just... embrace it.

Live with it.

It's going to be okay... as long as you have a GPS.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Coronado Crazy

Sandra and Julian (my friends from England) are in San Diego this week, so, rather than trying to plan one perfect day with them, I decided to take the kids down (and Steve when he was able with work) and just hang out in Coronado for the same week and get in a lot of little time with them. MarySue offered to drive down with me (Exactly how would I have unpacked the car without her?!)... which happened to coincide with a trip Sarah was taking leaving Micaiah open for an adventure. SO off we ALL went for 24 hours of three kids, no dads, and Coronado madness.

Marysue was stuck in the back of the Enclave with Micaiah, his snacks, his two b's (blankies - the original and most important one of the two we left and we had to turn around at the first light) my luggage, and Jack staring at her trying to psychically convince her to let him out of his seat.

We're pretty sure David was praying for us (as he had seen our rather un-optimistic faces as we set off on our journey) because I've never had such an easy drive to San Diego- Kids or no kids. Micaiah had his nap right on time, Jack had an EXTENDED nap, Abby did NOT nap but was content to listen to music, stump Zoozy on a guessing game, and chatter a lot about whatever was on her mind.... and try to get Micaiah's attention (whether or not he was asleep).

We visited Noni first - finding out first hand just how many ways three kids and three age groups could get into trouble in one house.

I immediately ran out for food as we hadn't wanted to disturb our luck in our car ride by getting off the freeway for nourishment.

Then it was off to the condo where more craziness ensued. Not a moment was wasted. In other words the MOMENT we opened the door we had trouble. The keycard that we use to get in and out of the complex fell off the keychain - we let it drop in favor of getting the kids in without dropping them. And then we went back to fetch it about fifteen seconds later. Only to find it was no longer there.

Marysue and I both questioned our sanity. Finally, I thought to ask Abby. "Micaiah picked it up."

Uh oh.

Now, Micaiah is not exactly a troublemaking kid... but he IS a "live in the now" sort of guy and when questioned had no idea what we were talking about.

Ohhhhhhh dear.

This is not un-complicated by the fact that there is termite construction going on on the facade of the condo balcony and the workmen had put down plastic on the carpet and had piled all the furniture up to the sides of the room.

So we spent a good... 15-20 minutes looking for the white keycard (all along the white carpet and white chairs and white fireplace and white tiled floors), in between sofa cushions, on white stairs and white linens. We shadowed Micaiah until he very firmly suggested we go shadow someone else... off a cliff.

We gave up and it promptly appeared on the white stripe of a white & cream striped chair.

As I unpacked the car a gentleman approached me asking how long I planned to stay. Ummm... I don't usually tell ax murderers my travel plans... but I had a lot of heavy luggage, I figured I could make it fall on his foot and get away. When I told him, he said he'd try to keep his guys out of there for me then. Oh good... the ax murderer had friends who often went in the condo... and finally I realized I was talking to the foreman for the construction. I'm very glad I didn't break his toes.

I have no idea what the next few hours held - it was a blur. Mind you Jack's front teeth are cutting thru moment by moment.

At some point, Zoozy got the idea to give all three of the kids a bath. She, clothed of course, ended up taking a bit of a ... splash shower herself. Which she said was worth it due to the amount of giggling from Jack it produced.

Noni, Sammye, and Becky fed us dinner and provided some distraction for the kids. And somehow bedtime, Sandra & Julian's plane landing, and clean up all ended up happening at the same time. I left Marysue to fend for herself (at least Micaiah was already asleep). I can't say my sweet children made it a particularly easy (think screaming Jack and Abby getting out of bed 20 times and finally falling asleep on the couch) couple hours for their Zoozy, but when I got home everyone was asleep and well, so I have no complaints.

The next morning... ahh... well... more blur. Zoozy made french toast for the kids, Jack discovered the dishwasher, and we all discovered the workmen were working just outside the windows... whoops - perhaps appropriate pajames would have been a good thing.

Somehow Zoozy got packed up again and off we went for Noni's... there was talk of going to the beach while I went to visit Sandra & Julian at their hotel pool but the ages just do not lend themselves easily to one set of hands. AND they were more than happy to explore and roam Noni's house.

Micaiah and Zoozy went off to the train station without further ado and my two and I headed back to the condo for some quiet time.

Jack went down for a nap, Abby got in some good dvd player time and I just sat on my rump and enjoyed Coronado - and pretended there weren't workmen at the windows.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Stealing My Thunder

At our family Labor Day BBQ Steve too a bunch of awesome snapshots. He sucks.

Thinking of Friend...

She is funny and cool and she's going thru a tough time. Praying for her...