There are a lot of movie and book quotes about the truth.
A lot of them have to do with the fact that somehow, someway, you can't bury it for long.
Eventually it WILL come out.
My family has had a truth buried - or well, they'd like to think it was buried... for a long time.
I've known better.
Even though everyone else can see the truth as glaring as the sun, my family still thinks they do a good job hiding it. Or maybe its not even that insidious. Maybe they really believe the lie.
I don't know.
I can't speak for them.
What I do know is the truth.
The truth is... no one in my family... Not my highly educated father or my exceptionally talented mother or even my boy-band-handsome brother... and certainly not me... Not one of us have one little tiny ounce of directional sense.
They fight me. Like really fight me when I try to bring the truth to light. When I try to set them all free from their ill-fitting masks - they resist, they squirm, they might even have a tantrum.
But it's the truth and I'm not ashamed to say it.
And it DOES come out... in stories here and there - when they aren't thinking of covering their tracks - it comes out - like the tidbit of a story my mom put on the Abby/Jack blog about Aaron.
Yes, yes, I know dear Father and Mother and Brother. I know you are all exceptionally smart and brave and eloquent and witty. You just have to accept that this little flaw - this missing piece in the make up of our chromosomes does not make you lesser people.
It makes you lost a lot.
But not lesser.
Just... embrace it.
Live with it.
It's going to be okay... as long as you have a GPS.
9 months ago
How dare you...
I have a GREAT sense of direction!!!
Maybe I'm part Bright too...I definitely struggle with my sense of direction. :)
Can I add Ada... that you don't have to have direction to do AMAZING things... ?
awww shucks...
and yes Aaron - OH I do so dare...
Mother - they are going to cart you off to the looney bin if you keep insisting that - but I guess you'll have lots of time do work on your crafts so maybe you won't mind.
Actually, it's been known for eons that misdirectionitis is inversely proportional to unusually sound structural integrity in virtually all layers of both the cortical and subcortical brain ... which would account for a plethora of cranial focii unavailable to those more common, albeit good folk, who may appear on the surface to know where they're going. I rest my case!
there yah go dad, embrace it!
Ah...maybe you are confusing the ability to GET somewhere, with the ability to TELL someone else how to get somewhere. While I have an instinctive and inate directional sense, I have, I freely admit, a teensy problem with communication.
..and you may also get the wrong impression because I can't see street signs. YOU try to get somewhere when you can't see street signs!
I also note that only three of you have certain "chromosones" in common - I happen to be mostly Polish and thus, free from the lack of directional flaw.
me thinkest the lady dost protest too much
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