Thursday, August 24, 2006

Disregarding Ephesians...

Things I'm going to do (in no particular order) when Steve's name carries power.... Not that his name doesn't already strike fear into the hearts of man. But I mean the sort of power that association with him (marriage for example) can get books published.

Get my mom's art published
Get my mom & my art published
Get my photos published
Hire someone to learn how to burn fudge just right
Buy a house with a guest cottage for my mom
Write 'the' book with Sandra
Donate significant funds to IJM/our missionary friends
Buy new shoes
Pay someone to take care of the cat's litter
Get professional artsy pictures of the family (both our little unit and extended)
Get my leg hair lasered off
Bribe Psych show to make little romance thing work/last
Get my dad a dance studio
Get season tickets to EVERYTHING
Share season tickets to EVERYTHING
Whiten my teeth (embarrassing, but true)
Have my hair blown dry every week
Have someone organize my closets
Force Cheerios and Instant Breakfast not to change their formulas ever again

more to come...

*Ephesians Reference: I love Ephesians because I think it is so easy to think: 'Oh if only I had [fill in the blank] I'd be happy. I'd be content.' So I love the reminder that we're human - nothing is ever enough - we toil and worry about things that will pass on to the next generation who can never understand exactly why or how we toiled and then the same thing will happen to them. If we get a house we want a larger one or a nicer one or one in a different neighborhood or with a back yard. If we have children we worry about their manners and development and health and future and salvation. Nothing is ever going to be enough. Contentment comes from Christ and Christ alone. That said... I don't think it's wrong to dream. After all, I believe God has success in store for Steve because I believe He has blessed Steve with talent and has been preparing him for years. Therefore, it's perfectly prudent to prioritize what I'd want to do when it happens. Don't you think?

The Search...

Ok, so I let it pass last week that Wesley and Abby shared the cutest hug on the planet and I didn't have a camera trained on them for it. Some moments are not meant to be stolen I suppose.

But this week... this week I was going to capture that damned moment if it was the last thing I did.

This is not a job for quitters. Or winners for that matter.

And now... the persistant attempts of Mommy to capture a hug on film:

*sigh* maybe next week.

Until then, this moment will tide me over. A kiss from Abby to Wesley. I think actually Wesley is also trying to kiss Abby but his aim isn't quite there yet.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Escapism Goodness

Ok, my obsession count is nearing overload.

Everyone knows about Harry Potter and Chicken Fajitas and Bob's Big Boy's Hot Fudge Cakes and Burnt Fudge and pictures.

And recently Firefly *sigh* (Sorry, I always need a moment after mentioning it), not so commonly known, but a forever love I think.

Monk and Closer are in there ... Certainly not quite at the same level, though I'm intent on making sure TiVo doesn't accidentally not record episodes.

But I've just discovered House and most recently Psych. TV shows if you're not up on your original USA programming.

This sounds like I am a couch potato, but I hardly distinguish the worlds of my books and those on television/movies. I mean, it's all stories, characters, loves, plots, etc. And that is what I crave. I honestly think TV has gotten better, not worse, (at least the TV I'm watching) compared to what I watched as a kid. Anyway, just thought I'd put that in here - that it's not about TV for me. This is what I am like whether it be food, family, TV, books or movies... what I love, I love whole-heartedly and possessively.

House I think will fit nicely with Monk and Closer as something I love to watch (and I don't use the word love loosely here). It is especially smart, I love the wit and Hugh Laurie IS British, what chance did I have?

And Psych was fun at first. The main guy James Roday is funny - one of those actors that is totally comfortable in front of the camera. But the element that changes something from love to obsession... the Mulder/Scully factor if you will... I have recently found in Psych.

Shipping is the common internet term for preferring a 'relationship pairing' in a TV show, book or movie. But I would like to distance myself from the term because from my time in the Harry Potter world it often feels that people 'ship' just for the sake of pairing people up. For example - In the HP world I am a Harry/Ginny shipper... but more than that - that is really the only romantic relationship I am particularly invested in in that series. Hermione/Ron of course is great - but I never felt particularly vehement about them getting together - just that that is where JKR was taking the series.

For example, in Closer, if Brenda and Fritz don't work out, I'll be disappointed because I like them fine, but I won't stop watching - it won't loose any of it's interest to me. And Monk - I'm not attached one way or another if he ever 'finds' someone.

Well, I would have put Psych up there in that same category until this weekend when I saw a crucial episode. See in the pilot they had paired the two real detectives romantically (even though the guy was married or separated). Apparently the female detective didn't test well (I didn't like her at all) so when they went from pilot to series they replaced her. But I actually assumed they replaced the actor - not the character. Therefore I was more than a little put off/confused when I kept spotting those little subtle set ups that writers/directors put in to introduce the idea that someday the lady detective (Juliet) and the main guy (Shawn) might have a thing.

BUT I finally saw the first episode of the SERIES and they introduced her as a totally new character. NOT only that but they introduced her to Shawn in a way that he did not originally know she was with the police and there was chemistry.

I love chemistry. It's one thing for it to come out in a book. The author has ultimate control. Maybe that's why I love and trust and depend on books so much. I know that the author has control - none of their characters are going to strike for a pay raise or get hired away by the promise of their own show/movie.

And it isn't just the risk that an actor can leave/die/get messed up on drugs that makes TV or movie chemistry special. I personally think it's pretty easy to tell if two actors connect at all. Even great actors - I think you can tell the difference between them acting really well and not being able to tell there ISN'T chemistry vs. when there is really something there. So when there IS, it's just really sensational - at least if I like the characters as well as the story. (*disclaimer I do not want all actors and actresses who are in love in a story to love each other romantically - I mean just that they like each other and then the acting takes it somewhere else)

Anyway, it's pretty dangerous to get my heart set on anything here as it's only the first half/season. But, oh, how much would I love for them not to mess it up?

I especially like it actually because as much as I adored Mulder/Scully in my X-Files years - theirs was often a strained relationship. Which was great for that story and that time of my life and you have to keep the audience hooked and all that. But I often point to the night of my first date with Steve as the downfall of my X-files obsession.

I had had a date with another guy about a year previous to Steve and my first date and I thought it was pretty magical at the time. But I remember specifically coming home from that date with Eric and X-Files had taped and I was so much more invested in Scully and Mulder's relationship than I was in whether or not I saw Eric again. AH, but fast forward to the next year with Steve and I actually couldn't focus on the X-files episode I missed that night... I was simply too preoccupied with thoughts of Steve.

Now, does that mean things have cooled between Steve and I because I love these imaginary relationships so much again? Well, sure, in a way. But in a good way. I mean, I could hardly function that first summer. Things have to cool a LITTLE bit. Anyway, that wasn't my point in bringing this up anyway.

My point was that a relationship less strained, more loyal, more lighthearted is what attracts and excites me now. Most likely because that is my relationship with Steve and those are the feelings I want to revisit. Not a whole lot of angst and drama and hopelessness.

Well, there is always a certain amount of hopelessness in these sorts of pairings because a TV show has to keep people interested and as soon as there is resolution people tune out (people, WHY? I just want one of these to work out! Geez, it happens in real life sometimes you know!). But I can't help it. I'm in it now. I am hopeful and smitten and rewatching scenes over and over.

And I love it so much. It makes me happy.
Which is also what eating brownies does for me. But with this outlet I gain less weight.

Hmm. when did Abby get strong enough to open the fridge and what do you suppose she is getting in there?

Jennifer Crusie - a romance author would be my favorite writer currently writing and it makes me realize a little more about this whole thing for me. If I love a book - well that is just great. But I read a book in a night. And even my favorite old- time mystery writers didn't capture me the same way for EVERY book. I think that's what these specifically TV romances do for me. Despite just having it be the visualization of what I imagine in a book - it is also a forced timeline. I have it for months... years maybe.

Which is also why it can be so horribly sad when something goes 'wrong'... I've invested just as much hope in it as I have a book and yet there never is resolution... or worse, there is a half - assed resolution /bitter resolution because the show has fallen out of favor with the network or the actor with the show producers.

It doesn't happen often. Not in books, not in movies, not in TV that I can really sink my mushy hearted teeth (eww not a good image) into the character AND the plot AND a romance. So I guess I should not worry about the future and enjoy the day.

I guess living with Steve has taught me a few things!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Friendship and the Sexes

Abby had a little digestive problem (a little digestive problem that was so bad it was running down her legs) while Wesley was visiting today. And I felt bad for her because she was embarrassed and I felt bad for Wesley because Wesley tried to give her a hug while I was cleaning her up and she wouldn't let him.

Anyway Shannon was trying to get out of the way and they started to leave and Abby started crying in earnest then which, luckily, I knew meant that she wanted to say good bye properly. So I called out to Wesley who came immediately running back and they shared just... the most sincere hug that has ever been hugged by 2 year olds.

You know, everyone has to know, I am not in any way serious when I jest about Wesley and Abby growing up to get married - but can I just say how funny it is to watch female and male so totally clearly illustrated in these two little munchkins. When Abby is emotional (which is often) Wesley doesn't understand and eventually gets frustrated because he doesn't understand and starts to get anxious about her emotion. When Wesley won't follow Abby when she calls, she comes over and tries to take his hand and lead him. And they just genuinely care about the other. I am serious that I hope they remain friends. There won't be any pressure - but... they're good kids... and it would make life convenient for the two sets of parents!

So I love Abby, I love Wesley, I love that I know Abby's signals, I love that she loves her friends and family so very much, and now I must get back to putting a wet washrag on her bottom (i don't love that part as much). The glory of motherhood.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I hope You're Happy...

It is one thing when Abby was singing along to Disney movies... it was cute- it was heart-wrenchingly cute. It is another thing entirely when she started singing along with Mommy's CDs in the car.

Her favorite song is from the musical Wicked, 'Defying Gravity' which begins, "I hope you're happy, I hope you're happy now..." which is really amusing coming from Abby.

Then there is "Celia" from Simon and Garfunkel's greatest hits. This has a cuteness factor because Abby just told me one night at dinner that I was shaking her heart.

Then there was "Miracle" by Cascada which Abby started singing after only one listen (apparently its a simple song - not sure if thats a compliment or not) "I need a Miracle, I wanna be your girl, gimme a chance to see..."

But my current favorite song that she sings is the "Bad day" song? I don't know real title or artist but Abby imitates the guy's rhythm and tone perfect.

Needless to say, Mommy is careful about what she puts on in the car - especially as Abby LOVES 'Golddigger'... I don't think she had time to pick up lyrics though.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Never underestimate a Bartender

Samantha's birthday - we go to Hollywood with Hazel (the ultimate in party fun). I have a cosmo. It affects me because I am a lightweight - but no big deal. It's one drink.

Then we do the whole 'I don't like alcohol - what drink would you think I might like... or at least not hate?" The bartender had been nice so it was all good - funny request - not going to work - but something to do until we go to the next bar.

He asks "Do you mind getting wasted?" And I was just like, "Uh, well I'm not driving." And in my head I'm like Dude, wasted? Off one more drink? Maybe he thinks I'll like it so much I'll want more? Maybe he means he'll try a bunch of drinks?

So he makes the drink which tastes a little like pineapple and a little like peanuts. I don't particularly like it, but I don't hate it. I have about half of it. And decide that's enough because I'm definitely passed buzzed now. So I don't even finish HALF of it.

But within a few minutes my eyes were crossing and when we stood to leave a few minutes later I was *not* steady.

Yes I know I'm a lightweight... But it's not like two drinks usually brings me down. It didn't take *too* long for me to get feeling back in my legs. So I'm wondering... What the hell was in that second drink? I mean - there's no secret alcohol that has more alcohol content then the famous high alcohol shots I've had now and then. Just wacky.

I had a great time. I felt bad for Hazel who had to work in the morning. I still don't understand why anyone would do this sort of romp often though - which is a problem because that character in that book that I'm not sure is ever going to happen is supposed to LOVE this. Hmm. Write what you know... or.... not.

I'm just glad I didn't finish that second drink.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A time to be stretched, a time to be stagnant, and a time to fight time

A couple weeks ago I was feeling stretched creatively for the first time in a long time.

I was working on formatting and revising the Christmas book my mom and I are having published which meant a lot of technical decisions that suit neither my temperament or my mom's - plus after seeing the first galleys I wanted to redo a whole illustration - the 6 geese a-layin had this black section because my mom had spilled green watercolor on it and covered it with ink / I was painting these Christmas card projects I thought up in place of a book this year - and they are huge because my mother (much as I adore her) is only satisfied with the finished product if its been scaled down - there is definitely still a part of me that is intimidated by the size of a canvas (and no Freudian comments here) especially when most of the watercolor I am doing is nebulous, supposedly effective atmosphere design / Then there is this book thing. Sandra and I have joked about writing this book - If Sandra had time and continues to believe in it - I think it could be good because she has the technical writing skills as well as beautiful and witty abilities. I have the quirky, sometimes brilliant ;) ability - but certainly nothing that could sustain a whole book... or chapter for that matter. She is busy moving countries which is quite an ordeal I'm learning, so until we can get together and really map this out, I can't do much. But there is this one scene I want to basically establish which I thought was going great.

Then I started asking Steve for help with a plot point which turned into 'what a guy would or wouldn't say' which totally derailed my scene (why would a guy SAY that?). The Christmas book is sent off to the publishers, the Christmas cards are past the first phase and will just need some detail work after my mom does her phase. And I find myself back in my normal routine - which is great. It was difficult to be stretched like that and have to fit it all in after 9pm (the time Abby is actually totally asleep by).

But as is the nature of things I was feeling stretched beyond capacity and now I'm feeling stagnant. And probably a little depressed which means that I feel lazy rather than energized to go find something else creative that doesn't quite stretch me as much.

But see, the reason that that little bout of creativity was so energizing (in my opinion) was because I had partners that I could basically dump the work on that I deem hard. I really like being managed - loosely anyway. Or maybe, I like being directed. I can be a self -starter but I am not by nature. Even if the brilliant idea was mine to start with, I still feel so much safer and more content to work if someone else takes charge of the idea.

Basically, I'm moody. I need someone at my elbow that doesn't have those moods and I can draw on that. I am highly suggestible which is why I am often driven to pizza after a pizza commercial so I need a manager that is unaffected by my brooding.

I was going to connect this ebb and flow to the whole ' a time to plant, a time to harvest' idea and how life just goes that way - like waves, but now I am thinking there is also a time for some of us moody folk to stand up to the waves rather than roll with them because if I rolled with them, I'd be dizzy a whole lot.

Thursday, August 03, 2006



There is nothing more heartwrenching than when Abby is insanely cute while also being disobedient.

When it's time to go to sleep she has a choice of holding my hand (which she can do if she doesn't play or talk while she goes to sleep) or me leaving the room (which means she has to be at least basically attempting to go to sleep, but there are less restrictions).

Sometimes when I'm holding her hand she'll forget shes not supposed to talk.

So, I say "Quiet Abby."

And she simply repeats herself... in a whisper.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

This Can Only End in Tears

Abby investigating where the water spouts come out at Bug's Land at California adventure...