So I missed the- er- SMACK talk that Aaron instigated on her recent post here.
It's war all right.
And I have a secret weapon.
I've just told my secret weapon that Uncle Aaron wants to take her to Disneyland and then for an overnight trip... and that nothing would please Uncle Aaron more than to stay up and watch Ariel's new movie several times... and then act it out.
My secret weapon thought that was a great idea!

In my version of Ariel, she learns how to sneak out at night and party at raves. She also learns that she's "old enough to make her own decisions" and that nobody can tell her what to do. Then she learns how to grow marijuana with black lights in her parents basement. Should be fun.
T thank God no one has a basement!!! Hopefully, she will not find one on her sixteeth birthday like sleeping beauty.
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