Monday, September 22, 2008


Now, does the fact that Abby snapped Jack out of his two and a half hour crying jag for twenty minutes of blessed happiness imply she is a wonderful sister or I am a crappy mother?


Creative Mama said...

why do you get all the criers... ? ... and I get... Cai...

It means you are an incredible example for Abby... and you have taught her well... and nutured her emotions...

James Lamb / tvjames said...

She is a wonderful sister. Rachel can do the same thing with Ben. Not to mention elicit much bigger smiles and coos out of Ben than either his mom or dad can.

Think it's because she's a smaller face that gets closer, is never the one holding him when he's upset and just comes in and places hands on his face and giggles.

Lori got some sweet pictures last night... I put Ben in Rachel's bed while I was reading to her and she crawled in, too.