Any Phantom of the Opera fans out there?
Well, in a truth is stranger than fiction sort of moment, I find myself repeating this line from Phantom of the Opera in the early morning hours to Steve.
This is because Jack has a "I'm going to suddenly throw my skull towards your skull" problem.
It's not a tantrum, he just... sort of leads with his skull, so, for example, if he suddenly wants to change positions to go looking for that remote or to find a more comfy spot to lay he throws his head like a cute little shotput and then wriggles his body around to follow.
Believe it or not, even with 15 months experience with this behavior he still gets us even when we're fully conscience, but when I've taken Jack into bed for his 6am bottle so we can try for that last ten minutes of sleep, it's a lethal combination.
I'm really concerned he's going to break one of our noses... well, I'm afraid he's going to break Steve's nose - Jack's not getting near my nose because I sleep with one arm flung over my face and the other arm crossing it - my palm outstretched waiting to absorb the initial impact and deflect the projectile. Steve seems to think Jack should just stop this behavior. Yeah, well, I'm going to think that AND keep my skull intact.
7 months ago
ada... it's called head bonking... and Caiah... he grew out of it... mostly... :)
I've been head-butted a number of times already by Ben, not to mention Rachel. I often find myself wincing and shrinking away when Rachel is sitting on my lap. The girl's head is just plain hard, and she still manages to whack me with it sometimes.
Ben, just this last week, leaned away from me. As I went in to kiss his exposed neck, he suddenly and with force leaned right back, nailing me square in the nose with said neck. You'd think a neck would not hurt as much as a skull. You'd be wrong. I was stunned into inactivity for a good 5 seconds, during which he started crying and I was sitting there thinking "Your neck cannot possibly hurt as much as my nose does right now."
Lori, I know - My life before children was sheltered. Now I look at action films and I scoff - "No way he'd be down after that - Jack got me in the throat like that last week and I had to still carry him and our breakfast down the stairs before I could collapse!"
Ha! This is a funny visual.
On another note, I saw Phantom for the third time last month and during the show, I actually thought, "Gosh. No wonder Ada was obsessed with this musical when we were 13. How mature of her to really grasp the beauty and depth of it at that age." I'm just now realizing its beauty.
: )
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