Saturday, December 01, 2007


Steve is doing the male version of "nesting" which, don't get me wrong, is beyond the coolest thing ever (I'm trying not to say it's the cutest thing ever thereby negating the manly hunting theme), but as his hormones have nothing to do with when labor comes for me, it doesn't really encourage me that the baby is coming soon.

Besides sitting down with me (just as I've always wanted) and working out furniture and what is worth spending money on and what is worth finding alternatives for and all this with his total undivided attention, Steve came to the store with me to look at fabric swatches and buy the furniture and get the delivery deal. He decided on a paint color, moved all the furniture, put down drop cloths, sanded the ceiling (okay he missed the drop cloths for that part), painted the ceiling, taped off the beams, started painting the beams, and has grand schemes for the other natural colored furniture down there.

This is not only to express how cute male hunting/gathering is, but also to tell Gramma what's going on in case we're interrupted by labor (ha... which I consider unlikely at this point - I think baby is just going to decide to stay put and never come out). SO we have the gorgeous espresso colored paint for the beams and the molding which we are also going to paint the tv stand, the little/long table in back of the couch and... we're THINKING even the table and chairs!

I put the new knobs on the old dresser Gramma painted last weekend and they look awesome. I got new tubing for the breast pump, I finished our Christmas shopping for Abby (I completely forgot we were going to buy her a two wheel bike - we might have to wait on that), I got the curtain rod for the new toy closet and curtains for it (mom, did you take the mustard colored curtains and if so were you taking those to put black out fabric on them or to use for the toy closet, I can't remember).

I took family pictures for friends (with Sarah) -examples to come.

I got dressed for same friend's baby shower (quite a feat, getting dressed now a days).

I made my next dr. appointment which hopefully I won't need.

I did some dishes...

I complained to a lot of people that I'm still pregnant at 38 weeks (I know, I know... I'm not even late and I'm complaining! It's human nature I tell you).

I almost suffocated laughing at the baby shower.

I remembered to put my mom's wallet in my dad's Abby-bag.

I didn't get anxious when I hadn't gotten the address for the paint store we were going to before we went.

I downloaded all the pictures from the picture session, chose my favorites, messed with them lightly in photoshop and am now uploading them to snapfish.

LONG day.


Juliana Shain said...

And posting at 1:29am! Awww...welcome back to my world. We've missed you.

: )

diane said...

well! I can't wait to see the changes...I put the gold curtains somewhere (probably on the bed in the new guest room..we didn't finish in there).

Jen Gray said...

I am seriously so jealous of everything that you are accomplishing these days. Almost enough to get pregnant so I can have those good nesting hormones going on. (Hysterical laughter, wiping of tears).