Monday, December 17, 2007

Steve's White Whale

Steve, as most of you know, is the tree decorator in our household. Every year he has grand plans for the tree and, while it is always beautiful, the experience often leaves him anxious for next year, to make it better, brighter, more... something.

The last couple years have held him back with financial worries - i.e. I had a bad attitude about him spending fifty dollars on lights when we already had perfectly suitable lights. Well, I always feel bad about spoiling that for him so even before some of the recent blessings I told him I wanted him to do whatever he wanted for decorations this year. New tree, new lights, the whole shebang.

So we have this gorgeous tree upstairs (borrowed tree since MarySue wasn't fully decorating this year) and our old tree downstairs - which I thought look really nice. However. Steve was not pleased. So he took it apart.

And stared at it for a full day yesterday.

Got more lights. Stared some more...

and some more...

and plugged in every light combination twice...

and stared...

and it seems,

at this moment anyway...

the tree has won.


Jen Gray said...

This cracks me up because Adam only hung one ornament on our tree this year. Grudgingly, at that. I did the lights and all the rest. Hee hee.

Juliana Shain said...

That's so funny. When I lived with my mom, she couldn't talk to me for 3 days because I was so tense while decorating the tree...especially the lights.
It's all about the lights.

diane said...

Agreed. Lights are the key!!

Juliana Shain said...

I see a dark spot. Blimey! A dark spot! Call for back-up!!!

Dave said...

I wish we had a small, manageable tree like yours. But Shannon refuses. Instead I have a Sequoia planted in the middle of my living room.

Ada said...

If Adam could write a program for the lights I'll bet he'd sing a different tune.

Julie- hush do NOT mention the dark spot!!

Dave - The sequoia wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the family of wolves that came with it... they do look cute in those Gymboree clothes Shannon got for them though.