That may very well reduce me to a patient at St. Mungos.
Last night Jack slept great from 9:50pm-2:30am. So did Abby. It was bliss. (Abby has been waking up itchy and coughing and Benedryl hasn't been doing much so we tried Tylenol). And then... Jack woke up and then... Abby woke up... and then... Jack wanted to eat... and then he wanted to burp... and then he wanted to toot... and then he wanted to eat again all the while Abby didn't want to be alone, insisting again that she is afraid of her room and her bed. In the end we were up from 3 on.
I was going to say, when I intended to blog earlier in the day, that I was in argument watch with Steve because while on one hand we were very united in what we had to work through early this morning and in our exhaustion, we were just totally spent. I thought about my resolution for next year as we accidentally snipped at each other (at different times) in the morning (which is lucky cuz if we snipped at the same time the argument... the completely useless and senseless argument would have blossomed) and chose not to snip back. Steve didn't have a resolution, he's just good at not being baited.
Somehow we got through the day sans argument and both of us are really really happy to be spending New Year's Eve doing absolutely nothing together.
8 months ago
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