Obviously I'm never going into labor. Obviously I should just get used to my state and start shopping my story around for a book deal.
I'm told everyone feels this way. I can't remember feeling this way with Abby but then again, Abby was born the equivalent of four days ago in that pregnancy.
7 months ago
Heh Heh. Yep, totally felt like that, too, when I was pregnant with Anna. In fact, I was right around 38 weeks when I went shopping for more maternity clothes; I bought a few new shirts (I guess I obviously thought that I would be pregnant forever, so I might as well get some new clothes, right?). There were a couple of shirts I never wore because Anna was born at 38 weeks and a couple of days. ;-)
Well, since you will be pregnant forever, it is a good thing that you are so cute with that belly.
That's so funny.
Yeah, yeah. I haven't decided who I want to have cast as me in the movie deal yet...
How 'bout Katie Holmes? Playing you could reverse the brainwash code that Tom has programmed on her brain.
Consider it your contribution to humanity.
"I haven't decided who I want to have cast as me in the movie deal yet..."
You're just taunting me with your you-better-watch-what-you-say-I'm-pregnant comments now, aren't you?
I'm not giving Katie Holmes work - she didn't get brain washed at gunpoint yah know.
Dave... yup... are you saving it all up for after?
So here's my current gripe - on more than one occasion, I have commented on a post of yours, only to have you edit it and re-edit your post until my comment no longer has any relevance whatsoever. In the future, could you possibly give us all a ballpark idea of when your post is final and will no longer require incessant tweaking? Perhaps a countdown style clock would be appropriate.
Thank you,
A Fan
I SOOOOOOO didn't edit this one...
Did I?
I just went back and re-read. Definitely a comma removed. I call editing!!
Where did the quote I used above come from then?
Wait - alright... you win this match, Mrs. Scheidler. In this case, and this case only, you were right - apparently my comment was commenting on your comment, and the comment in which I commented on your comment wasn't in fact a comment on your post, so the comment in which I refute your comment commenting on my comment which comments on your post was in fact a comment which I commented on.
AND it wasn't even an edited comment (which I also sometimes do)... I DO win this round.
I think this is also the max number of comments ever.
...and one more. I am lost in admiration of Dave's fantastic sentence. Totally incomprehensible, of course, but I am, nevertheless, dazzeled!
What worries me is that I understood every word.
Darn it! I was going to comment on this being a record for comments until you did, Ada.
Way to steal my comment idea!!
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