Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Prologue or Psych-out

Well... the good news is I now remember what contractions feel like.

The *shrug* news is that they've been coming and going for two days.

SO... my list of things I do while waiting for contractions to decide if they are true labor or not:
Tweezer my eyebrows
Color my gray
Pack my overnight bag
Do laundry
Make brownies
Eat brownies
Go grocery shopping
Finish my Christmas shopping
Watch Abby sleep (which makes me laugh because she is not the sleeping angel picturesque image you're thinking of - she has usually tossed off her covers and flung one leg over the safety rail while the rest of her limbs rest at odd angles)


Creative Mama said...

umm i thought you were bragging just yesterday about being all done with the christmas shopping... we're you lying... ?!?!?!

Ada said...

I finished WHILE waiting... similarly as I finished the brownies

Ada said...

Ah, I see the confusion (this is why I edit DAVE) - that is the list of things I do DO (no comments from the peanut gallery) while waiting, not what I need to do!

Ada said...

Uh Oh??? Uh Oh??!! What does UH Oh mean?? You're a doctor, you can't say Uh Oh and not explain yourself!!!