Monday, December 29, 2008

So, Not To Ruffle Anyone's Feathers

But you know I can see what you all order when you order prints from me and I have to tell you it is extremely satisfying when your favorites are my favorites.

I find some of your choices odd, but I try not to be judgmental... sorta.


Jen Gray said...

Ok, now I'm all paranoid. Thank a lot.

Dave said...

I guess we should eventually order our pics.

Dave said...

The steely cold gaze of judgement cast from your master photographer throne makes me feel vulnerable and uncertain. But no biggie. I usually feel that way anyway.

Ada said...

well considering your choices, you should.

ha. just kidding.

really. You did pick mostly my favorites...


Dave said...

FYI, the pictures we chose for our card and the pics we order for at home will likely be different. Or, at the very least, far more varied.