Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hat Etiquette

Okay people. I bought this hat today. I like hats. But I don't understand when I can wear them. I.E. if I'm not outside in the snow - when do I wear this hat? Could I wear it INDOORS to like a casual dinner? Or is it only for people who go strolling down park paths?

And don't be mean if you see me wearing it - yes obviously I'll be self conscious - pointing out that I am won't help, it will just earn you a dirty look.


Ada said...

helpful Dave... very helpful.

Jen Gray said...

Well, I wear hats all the time now: indoors, outdoors, to dinners and luncheons and the mall. However, perhaps there are special rules for bald women? That's what I'm living by right now.

I say you should wear it anywhere that it would be appropriate to have a sweater on. I think indoors is ok, just so long as I don't catch you wearing it along with flip flops and a tshirt. Not seasonally appropriate, you see.

P.S. CUTE HAT! : )

Ada said...

I know- I'm bringing it with me for your next photoshoot.

Creative Mama said...

any time, any place and keep it on... dinner, church on a saturday night... playdates... NOT photoshoots... they totally suck to shoot with on.... the bill gets in the way..

Dave said...

Would you call that a head cozy?

Ada said...

you're a cozy