When I was pregnant with Abby the three baby dreams I remember are (classically psychological):
Giving birth to a kitten.
Aaron delivering an emergency pre-mature baby and rushing it off for treatment and forgetting to deliver the placenta so I later had to have surgery to remove it.
Having a day in which I kept forgetting about the baby - leaving it at home while shopping or what have you and rushing home in a panic.
This time... I'm not sure if I've had many... I haven't retained any except the one today at nap which wasn't terribly exciting. I dreamed the sling I bought still didn't fit even though I didn't have the pregnancy bump anymore, but optimistically enough, once the baby (which I did not see, it sort of magically appeared as a bump and weight in the sling) got settled in, he seemed to be comfortable.
Edited to add: Speaking of dreams... What a distinction for Poppa. This morning was the first morning ever that Abby was okay with having a dream (happy even). Her exact words were, "Momma! I had a dream last night. I dreamed about doughnuts. And Poppa. I had a glazed doughnut."
8 months ago
What does the giving birth to a kitten mean?
It's just a common dream of moms to be - giving birth to kittens or puppies. I presume (psychologists feel free to correct me) that the mind uses the animal instead of the human baby either because it's less threatening/more generic or because it's a more familiar association especially for first time moms...
I had the "forgetting baby somewhere" (shopping cart, car, store) while I was pregnant with you. Maybe it is just part of the worry about juggling two children instead of one and the easiest one to "forget" is the new one to-be, as, in the dreams it was never Aaron I left behind (I usually had him in tow..fiercely clutching his little hand in my panic).
Wow! -- And after two weeks I was sure she had forgotten me.
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