Thursday, October 04, 2007

"Play Camera" and other Abby stories

Luckily, even though I've completely ruined my chances of getting Abby to pose for pictures by flooding her with picture posing requests, we do have a new game that tends to lend itself to some artsy photos... Basically she says "Let's play camera" which involves her running around me dodging the camera. You have to
admit they do show personality.

Abby has been complaining about one dream that makes her "very nervous" recently. It's that of a kissing frog who goes around kissing everyone. This dream first showed up after she had fallen asleep in the car. The kissing frog doesn't kiss her but it kisses everyone else. Luckily this frog doesn't live on Earth so Abby is generally safe. However, we were in the car again and "Can't Help Falling in Love" came on and she said "This
is the one - this is the kissing frog song that made me that dream!" Not exactly sure how she worked that out but... alllllll right.

Sometimes she is preoccupied with theological questions. For example why God didn't heal her cut knee over night and what if the horses eat Jesus as he lay in the manger?

She's got some great adjectives like terrific and "flabluous". They make me smile.

She asks for favors, "Momma, will you do something for me? Will you count to a hundred.... thousand thousand?"

Whispering is something that makes my day. She uses whispering in two ways. One to ask me something she should know like "Um, uh, what is she called again?" when talking to someone or when it is just us reading books, "Um, can you tell me that letter?" she'll whisper conspiratorially. (My favorite is when she giggles and whispers, "Oops, sorry, I said the wrong thing.") The second way is when she would like to tell me something or ask me something but I am on the phone and she knows she is not supposed to interrupt or ask directly. So she'll whisper as close to my ear as humanly possibly and not terribly quietly, "Excuse me, I need you to make me a snack! Excuse me!"

Abby has become concerned with the future, asking "Will you always take care of me?" and "Will I stay with you until I'm really old?" Tonight I suggested she may want to live somewhere else when she gets married, and I asked her if she thought she'd get married and she said, "Someday - when I'm old. When I'm five." I haven't told Steve yet.

She has also become aware of germs (probably thanks to the Mall - see my dad's blog) and today declared that there was a fly in the bathroom but that she had killed it. Here she threw out her hand in superhero style and said she'd given it germs.

Ahh, and then there is the Halloween Costume disaster. Last year I was really worried about getting a costume early because I figured she would certainly change her mind as to what she wanted to be ten or twenty times before Halloween, but noooo, from the moment she saw the 'Scary Blue Octapus", that is what she wanted to be. This year, it was a cow. She decided with the same precision that she often decides thing. The sort of precision I have come to trust. Enter peer pressure! While talking to a friend about Halloween somehow Abby decided she would need to be a mermaid... a magical mermaid with wings... instead of a cow. Her baby brother could be a cow, she insisted. In possibly the funniest moment of the week I had put her to bed at 7:15 and around 8 there is a frantic call from her over the intercom. I send Steve up. She declares to him she has to be a mermaid, not a cow. Do you think her little mind had been working that thru the entire time and she finally just felt the need to get confirmation? Gramma, being the strict disciplinarian that she, is now going to make the mermaid costume since I've said we've already spent too much money on the cow to switch.

Daddy picked her up from school today so I could nap and while she waited at the office for me she drew a picture of me in which I was calling, "Daddy, Abby, come back! Come back!"

Oh how she loves her teachers. She very specially picked out a princess writing pad (one that she was given for her birthday) to give to her male Sunday School teacher and when he asked why he was so honored she told him because 'you are such a wonderful teacher!"

More as I think of them...


diane said...

Too funny...

Juliana Shain said...

Great stuff. She's very lucky to have all of this recorded. It's so easy to forget the little how their brain onced conceived things and how they formed their sentence structures.

Aaron said...

Those are awesome.

Albert said...

How I love to hear this stuff!

Dave said...

This is what I started the W&J blog for, to record all the little moments, but alas... I just post comments here instead, apparently.

Ada said...

Perhaps you just don't have what it takes to talk ceaselessly about yourself... not sure if thats not a compliment...

I have theorized though that you could pick up extra cash by hiring your commenting abilities out to lackluster blogs in need of a little humor. Think of the millions you could make!