Went to the doctor today and seems baby has been coyly finding other ways to cause trouble now that his heartbeat is too loud to be missed by nurses. I say coyly because on the surface he really seems to be with the program - he has turned (or at least I think he has - I asked Doc as he was heading toward the door and Doc said something like 'Oh yeah, there's more room down there, once they are down there they tend to stay down there' to which I did not reply what was in my mind which was 'yes, thanks, I wouldn't have asked if he'd been turned last time or even two weeks ago during the 4D appointment' but hey I really like Doc so whatev...).
So Doc is talking and measuring ultrasound happily and asks what my due date is again? the 14th I say as Doc calculates a November 21st based on measurements. I squeak NOVEMBER? He laughs - he's made a little error he says and I laugh because I apparently gained a month and ha ha ha ha.
He corrects his measurement error and says, yup, December 5... yeah, December 5 - 12.
Right. Great. Uh huh.
Steve gets back from Italy November 25 we think.
*Slightly hysterical laughing*
Cute kid... cute.
8 months ago
Doctors are smart.
Hey, how to I subscribe to this ding-dang blog? Doesn't it have a subscription? Or do I have to actually "check it" all the time. I can't be expected to "check it" all the time.
Hey, where's that "atom" thing...
Is this thing on? [tap tap tap]...
Doctors are patient.
Doctors are cool.
Doctors are calm.
I find I need to sign into my google account on this Blog - unless I want to remain anonymous. However, on Dad's blog it goes in automatically as long as I am in google desktop....so
What "atom" thing?
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