Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Blatant Attempt to Ignore Feelings

My eyeballs feel like the blood vessels are going to pop so I need to continue on and not think about Lynx guys.

I am frustrated that my nighttime coping mechanism - the scrapbooking is on hold waiting for more pictures to arrive in the mail tomorrow. At least it better be tomorrow.

I am definitely nearly then edge of what I can do with scrapbooking. There are several books that haven't actually been journaled in, so perhaps I can do that when push comes to shove. I have been able to sleep the last couple nights - distracted only by Abby's coughing.

We had a doctor's appointment on Monday which was good. Doc said baby hasn't dropped and he would guess I'll hold til the first week in December. Which was good news! Not unexpected, but nice to hear all the same. Doc outlined baby's butt and wiggled it, then the baby's head saying, "See, you can still wiggle his head, he hasn't dropped yet." Yeah, okay, crazy man.

Baby is already stronger than me fyi - his kicks have momentum.

Abby literally just ran into a wall. Not sure what happened... gotta go.

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