Slept again - almost like a person! I.E. went to bed just once and fell asleep. Only problem came at 4:30 when Abby had trouble sleeping - when I tried to go back to bed it was the exact same restlessness - where simply lying there is intensely frustrating for no good reason. BUT that's okay - my internet is back up, that feeling of hopelessness as if it's impossible to resist becoming nocturnal is leaving me, and for once I do not have an entire scrapbook to show for a night!
What I've done the last two night's is not watch tv or go to internet an hour before I try for bed combined with the new massaging heat pad Steve got me for my restless legs which helps the muscle twitches and I think the noise helps lose that part of my brain that is restless as well. I also didn't eat sugar for several hours before...
I did start Steve and My 10 year book... which reminds me I am obsessive with ordering prints from snapfish right now. It's driving me crazy because I'll try to be patient - wait til I'm sure I'm done with the ordering and then I'll realize this picture is missing for this book and oh I could crop that one to work for this one... Anyway I'm paying billions in shipping because I have no patience. This confession was shared for no particular reason.
Shouldn't dawn be happening soon?
8 months ago
This won't help my considerable street rep any, but I too have suffered from RLS since I was a mere tot. Only recently has anyone even acknowledged that it exists. For my entire life no one believed me. Trying to describe the sensation to my parents and explaining that it kept me awake nights was pointless, so I eventually figured out ways to keep it from happening, and when it did happen, how to get myself to sleep. My name is Dave and I am a Restless Leg Syndrome survivor.
I hate it. I am not a survivor, I am a bitter experiencer.
I do think exercise kept it in check before I was pregnant, but considering my efforts to keep baby in the oven til December I'm not going that route.
My other coping skills are way too much information... Deleted for posterity ;)
Looking back at your I do once in awhile..I am thinking that this not being able to sleep was happening then too. Just not noticed, becuase weird sleep habits are expected from babies. It wasn't that you were a unhappy baby, you just NEVER slept. Took catnaps at feedings (a lot of them), but otherwise were awake most of the time...not so good for mom. I don't remember when it stopped, but maybe it didn't and you just started taking care of yourself when you were awake in the night.
The things one learns...
I just tossed and turned before big things - like first day of school etc. And I was up late anyway...
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