Friday, June 12, 2009

Psychology of Abby's Graduation

So, first off, when coloring in her "Self" she made herself blond. Interesting. Last year when she went through the graduation motions with the graduating class she definitely had brown hair.

Then, though she enjoyed playing she refused to say good bye to anyone when it was time to leave. I verified, "are you sure, you might not see them for a while" to which she admited she would miss everyone and her school but again, when pressed she got agitated, "I would rather just go, can't we just go Mom?" So away we went. Not too satisfying an end to such a huge transition in our little lives, but, onward we go. I still have to send a sappy letter to Miss Janet, though of course words don't seem to do anything justice.


Jen Gray said...

Well, if you don't say goodbye, maybe it's not really goodbye, right? ; )

I feel like I'm getting a little glimpse of what it is going to be like with Anna in all too short a time.

diane said...

Abby asked me what I was doing last night as I was gathering the required emergency backpack for Kindergarden. I told her that it was for her new school and she started to cry. "I don't want to go to a new school. Do you think I'll find new friends? Do you think anyone will like me? Do you think we will ever see my old friends? I love my old friends..." Sigh.

Ada said...

NoooOOOOOOOOOOOOO. She didn't... MOM... just tear my heart out and stomp on it. :(

Christopher Brandow said...

We need to just plan a regular play day for the girls so that we can tell them "Don't worry. Every _____ is your day with Pearl." We can just alternate houses each week. It will be fun!

Christopher Brandow said...

That was actually Maggie talking, not Chris. Still is.

Albert said...

Amazing how this little girl marks such milestones for so many who love her .. for Poppa, he just got 80 years older.
PS I laughed for 20 minutes at my Ada's post (with love, of course).

Ada said...

sounds like a plan to me chraggie!