Sunday, June 07, 2009

Gentleman or Inhibited?

Okay, I know I'm in love with my kids and all, but I find it so sweet and a little sad that Jack is conscious enough of his bodily functions that after a while in the bath he indicates he's ready to get out then immediately goes to the corner of the bathroom and pees.

He is just being considerate of Abby who is sharing his bath? Is he fastidious? Have I somehow inhibited him or shamed him? Don't get me wrong, it's convenient, and I do try to get a diaper on him fast and I do appreciate that I've never been peed on.


Creative Mama said...

ADA! It's a little different ... but I wonder if it's a scheidler boy thing... Caiah right around 18 months started being SUPER self conscious around bath time... not wanting to take off his clothes...

Jen Gray said...

Maybe you should just plop him on the potty? (This from the mother of a non-potty-trained two and a half year old!)

Ada said...

Totally will next time - if nothing else he'll get a kick out of the positive response, he loves a good cheer