Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Redefining Coronado

Oddly enough, Coronado, to me, does not generally correlate to family time. Large scale - yes definitely. But our little family unit - generally not. It's just that we're usually in Coronado for a whole family event - where, much as I am treated as absolute family and spoiled by extended family taking Abby on adventures - the priority is the S family... And their quality time all together (certainly not to the exclusion of me, but if it's a choice, I want to make that easier rather than create added complications).

SO, this trip was a little different, but it was very nice. Little family time. Good. Our own little time.


Creative Mama said...

What a lovely photo... so glad you got some nice family time... especially before your lil lizard comes!

Juliana Shain said...

Beautiful picture.

diane said...

I agree...some picture!

Dave said...

I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. Nothing beats "little family" time...