Sunday, September 23, 2007

Siblings Much?

We were talking in the ultrasound that it seemed like this baby might actually have some of my family characteristics (besides simply having a lot of hair)... but compare Jack's 28week womb picture with Abby's should-have-been-38 week womb picture (aka first week of life picture)...

Is it just me, or could they be related?!


Jen Gray said...

So sweet! Can't wait to see him outside the womb (I"m sure you're even more anxious!).

Juliana Shain said...

That's freakin' incredible.

For the record, my favorite Jack would be Tripper.

Ada said...

Ten points to Julie for Three's Company reference.

Well, and don't tell anyone but I suspect the sudden decision making on Steve's part came about because he was reading Tom Clancy... Jack Ryan ;)

James Lamb / tvjames said...

That's so cool! Ultrasounds rule. Those 3D(4D?) are especially fascinating.

Dave said...

Due to the sensitive nature of the subject of a baby's name and the potential to misconstrue well-intentioned humorous asides, I'll keep it short and just say this - I like the name.

Ada said...

How dare you, you cad!


Creative Mama said...

JACK!!! It warms my heart to know his name...

Albert said...

Abby and Jack!
It's pure music.