I would just like to add to the catalog of odd things my taste senses can distinguish.
As most of you know I can tell the difference between butter and margerine in cookies, and the texture difference between value pak oreos and regularly packaged oreos. You all know about the Cheerios and Instant Breakfast re-formulating tragedies of '94 , '96 and '01 (note to big companies - sending me coupons for the new version does not help).
Well, I've discovered something else.
I can tell the difference between desserts baked with pasteurized eggs and those baked with regular eggs.
Which, who knows? Might not be weird! Maybe it's a big difference. It certainly makes all the difference in the world for my brownies, cookies, and muffins!
Which is good and bad really. It's sad because the whole point of pasteurized eggs for me is that I could continue to eat cookie dough without fear of hurting Leaping Lizard just in case. It's good because, since I can tell, and since I don't like them as much, I've gained twelve pounds so far rather than the twenty five or so I had gained with my pregnancy with Abby at this point. Which is really unfair because I can't remember really when I gained all my weight. I just remember crying in the doctor's office because it was like the fourth month in a row I'd gained ten pounds. Which can't be true because I didn't quite get to forty pounds the whole pregnancy. Still... it felt awful. Uh, right, so where was I?
Maybe if I make a batch of cookies - have a non-pregnant friend take a spoonful and watch to see if they are infected with salmonella and if not, I go to town? I wonder if Aaron would sign off on that. Hmm...
8 months ago
I'll be your tester! and yes... I know what your talking about re: the butter vs. margarine...
you are soo lovely prego... hope you feel it...
I have said it before, but I will say it again. You are one weird lady!
I can only taste the difference between regular Chips Ahoy and the stay soft ones. The stay soft ones have a chemical sort of taste that grosses me out.
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