Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Sunday Four Years Ago...

I do not get particularly sentimental on Abby's birthdays. I could say it is because the years pass so quickly. But I think it is more accurate if I say that it really feels as if no time has passed at all. In my heart I still see her as this little bundle. Her facial expressions affect me in just the same way, I love her with the same indescribable certainty, and I want her to be happy with the same intensity (read: worry).

If anything, I get more sentimental about how our little family has grown up and bonded together. The closeness I have now, the need I have now for Steve as husband and father of my treasure(s), I could not have understood before. I'm proud of us and of Abby and I do wonder why she was only one years old for a day, and I think she may have skipped age two altogether.

(p.s. the grandmas will be forever bitter against the nurse who did Abby's hair like that)


diane said...

She still looks just like that..such a distictive little face (to a grandmother at least).

Albert said...

I was in awe then and still am. What a sweet face!