Well, Abby has gone three steps further at 3 1/2 than her mother did until 19 (coerced by a certain Pasadena gangster).
We had Chicken and Cheese crepes for dinner tonight. Not great. But not awful. Abby had two bites plus a bite of apple.
This may not be exciting for those of you with normalcy in your blood, but this is a big deal especially as tonight was the first true test (last night we had something Abby liked). AND tonight will likely be the most challenging of any of the dinners I'm planning for several weeks.
Speaking of this whole eating thing. I would like to take a moment to say I don't mind at all that I was raised the way I was eating-wise. It wasn't something I wanted to pass down particularly because I married into a "normal" family, but it served me just fine.
8 months ago
But...it caused me a lot of stress and anxiety...and guilt and stuff. So...it is only you who it served "just fine".
I am proud of you for taking the plunge into normalcy (sp?) and wish you every success. love
You make me laugh soo hard... sooo glad the family meals are going well... It can take soo much effort to make a dinner... especially while prego... your amazing... and Abby... she's sooo brave...
Good for you! I have to say that all of your "take charge" stuff has been inspiring...Adam and I are re-evaluating our budget, etc.
I'm curious whether Abby has always been a "picky eater" or whether that has changed with time. Just asking because right now Anna will eat almost anyting we offer her, but I hear a lot of stories of toddlers and young kids becoming pickier at certain ages. Just wondering if Anna may become more selective as she gets older. The food thing is just so...different (for lack of a better word) from my own experience. I think I only had maybe 3 things that I would NOT eat when I was young (and only 1 or 2 of those things has stuck with me until adulthood--yuck on eggplant and raw oysters). But I do understand that a great many kids have a lot of dislikes.
Sorry for the novel and hope I worded this in a non-offensive manner. =) Just curious and I think you are doing a terrific job trying to provide meals for your family!
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