Thursday, July 05, 2007

This Day?!

So Abby's concept of time is fascinating to me. Nevermind how she tends to run yesterday in with last year or this morning... the thing that is so sadly funny to me is when I tell her something we're going to do (particularly something fun) she always follows it up, "This day? This day I get to go to go to Claire's Grandma's house?"

I imagine tomorrow is the only future she comprehends - forget next week or 'in the fall.'


Albert said...

Perfect. Because a child is still so close to the Creator, she still has no perception of clock time and in fact she still knows instinctively .. and lives her life like .. psychological time is an illusion .. which it is .. that it doesn't exist .. and that the only true reality any of us have is now .. this moment.
Abby has no interest in the "fiction" of past and future so when you offer her a future goody, she's checking you crazy grownups out .. "Don't confuse me. You mean NOW?, for REAL, right?" In my current studying, the finest minds in the world are trying to teach me (remind me) .. at my age .. what Abby in her purity hasn't yet forgotten.

Juliana Shain said...

Amen to that.

Juliana Shain said...


Claire's face is priceless. Ball catching is serious business!