Monday, July 09, 2007

Hammerheads FINALE

We knew we were going to have one more project with the crew from Hammerheads since they finished up so late on their last day here, and today was it.

It went well, if not perfect. Abby did not understand the whole idea of a 'reshoot.' At this point, this is her house! And to pretend she isn't already total owner and occupier offends her sensibilities. She did fine, but they were missing that truly grateful sentiment she had last time.

Last time, as the light was fading and her lip was still swollen and her nose still running with a tinge of blood she spontaneously leaned over the side of the house and thanked the director (whom she called 'action man' because he called 'action') for building her this beautiful playhouse. They asked her to say the same thing to Steve Hanneman (the host) and she did - very quietly). It was one of those moments that you hope other people realize shows that she has a wonderful heart. We hadn't coaxed her to say that at ALL.

THIS time, she was good - didn't really feel like talking as much because we'd basically had to discipline her right before they were ready to roll. She, again, didn't understand why she should have to do this all again and was refusing to listen to me (not things like "say whoo hoo" but "No, Abby, I need you to stay here" type stuff). SO off we went for a crying fest in her room which she never totally recovered from. Luckily the actors all make her laugh so I don't think she'll end up looking sulky on camera.

I was really happy that they will probably show little of the footage with her fat lip... so that will fade away from everyone's memory (mine too hopefully). AND that I think they may have caught some nice things in the first reveal that they'll keep since we all had to dress in the same clothes.

That was funny actually, I was sure they wouldn't be too anal about that because I put Abby's hair up, but there was no way I was going to remember which hair clips I had in her hair. At the time (the first reveal) I was so afraid of upsetting the perfect balance we had after the mouth injury that I didn't try messing too much with her hair. So her hair was up in a pony tail with like five clips. Turns out they did want to keep the clips so off I went on a frantic search for the four clips they said she had on.

All in all there was a lot of laughing, especially this last day. Everyone was very patient and sweet to Abby and to us. Watching the actors flub their lines was pretty great - though of course we won't see that. The actors/workers were all tickled at all the stories we told them about how Abby loves it. Now it's just sort of a pain to wait to see it! I want to see it now now! I may very well have another baby born by the time this show airs. How wacky is that?

Abby Highlights I hope to see in the show:
Abby shouting the show title on the first day thanks to Marcus and his 'knock knock' joke method of getting her to talk
Abby putting her hand on the host's shoulder spontaneously and saying "We can go down the slide together" (he had been trying to get her to say she wanted to go on the slide by saying he did and she compromised)
Abby's sentimental thank you (probably won't be in there because it was too dark)
Abby already jumping on the bridge when Steve H was trying to ease her into the idea
Abby painting the playhouse with Daddy

Things for you all to be aware of:
Abby's hair is a mess everyday in every shot. Not only was it hot and she had been running around constantly each day, but they didn't ever want me to annoy her and possible mess up a good social moment.
I'm hardly in it at all and when I am I certainly sound like an idiot. I could not, for the life of me, speak flowingly.
Steve is going to be hilarious and if he isn't it's because they cut him out!


Anonymous said...

Can I share one more time... How MUCH I LOVE your blog... LOVE being much more connected... hey... you haven't posted anything about your birthday?

Ada said...

i know, it was like - once i didn't do it ON the day it was a waste of the date ;)

Albert said...

I can't wait to see it even though I'm sure nothing can beat my little cherub in real time .. you would have to follow her around with a movie camera for a week to get even close to the complete Abby -- another reason why your blog is so great.