Saturday, February 02, 2008

Where have all the flowers gone?

I'm tired. Steve's tired. We're all tired. The displaced clothes piled up in laundry baskets (otherwise known as our entire wardrobes) are still lining the master bedroom. As expected, this causes much confusion over what is dirty laundry and what is wearable.
It's like... everything is sort of en route to getting done but its taking twenty times longer than it would have a year ago. Steve's got a closet system that he's installing... slowly. And oddly enough getting the new tv hooked up for the Superbowl has taken priority.
I feel snippy, like I really want to start a fight, but he's just so gosh darn sadly tired looking, I don't have the heart. Or maybe I just don't have the energy myself.
The thing is, when the tv is hooked up and the clothes sorted, will I appreciate it? Most likely it will be a passing thought of praise as I think about the roof leaking and the garage leaking and the leaks that come up through the floors and how I don't want to spend money on those things... How I want a backyard that I probably won't use nearly as much as I should... about how I should finish the kitchen... about how I'm going to cover my shift at school... about how I should get walking and running and how my hair is driving me up the wall and how we have Jack's first shots on Friday and on and on and on...

Just take today I suppose, right now... and... go to sleep. That's my motto.


Creative Mama said...

ADA! How about this... I'll come up in the morning... and play house keeper... while wearing jack... you can chase the kiddos around the back yard... getting both exercise and happy kids... steve will do whatever he wants... :) no but really ... think it's suppose to rain ... so we can come over and clean and play if you'd like?

diane said...

I was feeling sorry for myself until I read your blog. So far my roof is not leaking and I am too high off the ground to get any ground water. So, though I will allow myself to be weary of moving and painting and sorting, I WILL also be grateful for what I don't have to deal with.

And in three months I will be there to help with the laundry and kids (any Scheidler to Sarah) at least...surely you can hold out for three months...also the rain will have stopped and the sun will shine.

Anonymous said...

i am right there with you, girlfriend.