Well, in a random box in the corner of the garage, miraculously not a sodden random box, was my legal sized fedex folder and red "important" folder. Thank you God, thank you those who prayed.
The irony? My property tax bill (what inspired this whole thing) was *not* there, neither was my car registration. SO the search for those goes on (for record only, I am not too worried about them). BUT some very very important things were in that folder so the lucky thing is... it really was important to find that.
8 months ago
yea!! i love that God cares about the stuff of life that is stressing us out. so glad you found it.
I don't think I know about this.
"Sodden." Let me just remind you -- ah, forget it.
What? Sodden is a word! Or, wait are you perhaps thinking of definition 5?
(from dictionary.com)
1. soaked with liquid or moisture; saturated.
2. heavy, lumpy, or soggy, as food that is poorly cooked.
3. having a soaked appearance.
4. bloated, as the face.
5. expressionless, dull, or stupid, esp. from drunkenness.
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