Friday, February 22, 2008

EVIL spammers

Not talking about blogger ones.  

Normal I can recognize spam quickly and I have no problem banishing it if it happens to get into my inbox.  Then again, rarely does it get passed the junk mail filter so perhaps I'm out of practice.

SO I have this email in my inbox just staring at me, with an attachment, and a first name that backwards happens to spell "file" 

Hmmmm.... So of course I have not opened it, but dang it, I'm tempted.


Dave said...

Go ahead, open it. And when it asks for personal information I'd just go ahead and unload everything ya got. What could possibly happen?

Ada said...

I wonder why they wanted my social security number when I'd already given them my credit card numbers and my mother's maiden name. Such friendly folks, they probably just wanted to set up some investments for me.

Anonymous said...

Poppa says
Hey .. I'd like to get in on that! I need some good investments.