I have a tendency to try so hard to be clear, that I end up completely confusing.
For example. I wanted to buy a BLUE dress for Abby from babyGAP but wanted to avoid shipping costs. It was not available at the Mall, but I wanted to call the one in Old Town before going down there. The number didn't show up on the internet so I called the Mall one to get the Old Town number.
Here is how the question SHOULD have been phrased:
"Hi, will you give me the number to your Old Town store?"
instead I said:
"Hi, I was in your store a few days ago looking for a blue dress that was on the internet but you didn't have it, but a saleslady suggested the Old Town store, but I can't find their number on the internet. Can you give me the Old Town number?"
Even as I hung up the phone, I shook my head and laughed at myself. Too much information, waste of everyone's time. I even think I thought to myself, I'd do better. Pshaw.
This is how the conversation should have gone with the Old Town store:
"Hi, can you check if you carry a baby blue dress with eyelet embroidery in stock?"
instead... I said:
"Hi, I am looking for a dress I found on the internet and it wasn't at Santa Anita - so I'm wondering if you carry the ....."
Posting this because otherwise I think I'd forget... and this is one thing I know I can change about myself because when I was in Customer Service I noticed how often people would do this sort of thing and I became very good at getting to the point. So... I'll practice.
8 months ago
i'm so thankful you posted today. i'm sitting here, completely dopped up on Tylenol Cold, wanting to die, and if you didn't have a post today, i would have put my head down and probably cried. OK, well - not cried (since the tear ducts were removed in the sweat shop), but you know how i get at work when i am sick and my head is on my desk. Actually, I was wishing your ghost would have pity on me and would rub my head and make me feel better like you used to when i was dying. oh, the days.
get someone to babysit and i'd give you a hair rub now ;)
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