Sunday, January 14, 2007

I'm going to have a babysitting!

In Abby's effort to confuse the masses she now tells them her Momma is going to have a babysitting.


James said...

Did not even know you had a blog. Hello from Seattle! Consider us part of the confused masses.

Ada said...

HI James!! I've kept it quiet so that I can complain about people who don't know about it ;). Hope you didn't mind my unauthorized linking - it's the only way I remember to check friends' blogs...

James said...

No worries, I've already linked you back. So can we infer from this what we're inferring from this?

Ada said...

No! That's the funny thing. Abby is on this kick because so many friends have been pregnant that she's getting a little sister (it's only fair, right?). But nope. I *do* tend to babysit now and then however.

James said...


Lori said...

Ah, now we get it :) We thought you were announcing here!

Ada said...

It's Lori! Hi there.