Sunday, May 24, 2009

Project Progress

First off, Baskin Robbin's shakes make me sick and I still get them... everything I love from there makes me sick. My brain blinds me to that though until it is too late. Very annoying.

I am 2/3 done with Jack's baby album.
I am ready to start Everyday 2009 (there are still a couple pages needing inspiration in 2008, but that counts).
HAWAII is now the daunting task ahead. Sigh. My brain fizzles at the thought.

SO six months to complete until I'm on target, then hoping I can take everything back out in September and get caught up to Abby's birthday THEN... we can put it away for... as long as I have to. I'm thinking of ordering pictures as I go this time - that way even if its two years before I get out my things again they are "ready" so to speak. It's hard to be organized at family photos when I'm more focused on being organized with BrightWaters photos.

And I know this has no bearing on anything or anyone but projects are consuming when one is within them and therefore ... consequently... blogging material.

I have ordered SO many duplicates... organized would be better. But again, when my mind is somewhere else...

What was I saying again?

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