Sunday, May 17, 2009

How Many Days DOES it Take

In the spirit of the old Tootsie Pop commercial I decided to time how long it takes for me to go through a gallon of Oraganic Non-Fat Milk since it has been feeling like I'm constantly running out.

I received the latest gallon Wednesday at 10pm and drank the last drop Saturday at around the same time. Is that weird?


megan said...

Wow! That's a lot of milk!
Good calcium for baby.

Jen Gray said...

Is that just you drinking it or the whole family? It takes us about that length of time (Anna, Adam and me) to go through a half gallon, and that is with Anna and I eating cold cereal for bfast just about every morning.

Ada said...

That's just me... I did notice I wasted maybe a half glass in that time by leaving it out or what not.

Dave said...

"Received"? Do you have a milkman?

Jen Gray said...

That is a lot of milk. Yep. Lots. Impressive.