Saturday, April 18, 2009

Why I can Be A Famous Photographer

Because I say unintentionally rude and snobby things about you in a photo I've taken because I'm talking about the PHOTO not about YOU. I'm annoyed the PHOTO didn't turn out perfectly amazing because you died your hair green, green is a lovely color on you - really, I just wasn't thinking about what I was SAYING. I'm annoyed I didn't tell you to stop snarling, I'm annoyed I didn't tell you you look thirty pounds thinner if I had just had you move an inch that way. I'm intending to critisize me not you!


diane said...

huh? Not that I am being critical...

Creative Mama said...

I get you. But I NEED to tell you... during EACH photo shoot... be ok telling folks... nope... that doesn't work.... :) loooove you... and yes... you will be famous... when that happens... can i be your assistant please... ;)

Ada said...

It's not about not wanting to say something - it's about looking at the product and seeing a problem I didn't see during the shoot...

Mom, I'll explain later ;)

Chef Ed said...

perfect that thirty pounds lighter thing already, would ya? i think i could be a perfect test subject for you.