Sunday, April 19, 2009


There are plenty of pictures of Abby and Jack that I love that just aren't good enough photographically speaking to post on the photography blog.
Abby in her favorite Gramma-sewn nightgown
Jack loves when I get him from his nap - he is giddily cute:
Jack stretching during a nap to find his stalker mom there ready to snap a picture:


Dave said...

Wha? You are a Lost fan now? What's with the new blog link? Please un-confuse me.

Dave said...

Nice pics. :)

Creative Mama said...

O LOVE the one of Jack on his tummy!!!

Ada said...

Lori (of the blog "last person bloggins) is a Lost fan and she linked to Jorge's blog in a previous post which I found entertaining, but I didn't think she'd linked to it on her blog so I kept having to go back to that post to go to his blog again so I just pasted him there to remember.