Saturday, April 25, 2009

Boys and Girls

I just have such a girl...

and such a boy...

(yes this was the same day - within a half hour of each other - same location)

I find it fascinating.


Creative Mama said...

I love it! lovely photos!!!

Lori said...

I swear our kids would be peas in a pod (in matching pairs) if we lived near. Rachel even has the same shirt that Abby's wearing in that photo. She always wants to wear dresses or skirts, and Ben is all about being rough-and-tumble and getting into things and climbing stairs and growling like a little bear.

Ada said...

snort. ahhh, the irony - we DID live near each other... once upon a time...

Lori said...

Hey, Washington's reallly nice ;) (Although we love living near family, so I suppose that would be a big drawback for you when it comes to Washington.)