Friday, April 03, 2009

Spring Party

Abby's school had their Spring Party today - I almost forgot about the party and had Abby dropped off at school at the wrong time. Whoops.

Anyway, the kids took their pre-decorated bags out to find eggs. The Easter Bunny (Actually one of the kid's dad's) visited. Then Abby took off to play and play and play - running, singing, dancing, playing family...

Jack took me and my mom on the rounds around the school.

Jack was FASCINATED with the Easter Bunny.

That's the word for it. Finally while I was off fetching water, Jack actually cornered the Easter Bunny alone and started talking to him... or jabbering at him. I caught the tail end of this and was unable to get the camera in position in time. It was pretty hilarious even without photo documentation.

SO... that was all. Jack has discovered playgrounds recently and loves the swing and the slide though he thinks he is above getting up and climbing all the way back to the start of the slide when his handlers can obviously just lift him straight back up to the top.

1 comment:

Albert said...

Wonderful - Makes up for not being there myself.