Anyway, after Abby suffered some strong pangs of envy at Kate's beautiful twirl skirt, my mom and I (who have not exactly been lazy trying to bring this dream to life for Abby) went with renewed vigor in search of a petticoat.
What we found was a rainbow petticoat - could anything be more perfect for Abby June?
It was adult sized so my rather brilliantly genius mother decided to cut it in two and make TWO rainbow twirl skirts (for sharing).
Well, Abby approved. (We also found a dark ruffle skirt for cheap which became a quite versatile garment for Abby - it was immediately a cape, a dress, a veil... many many things.
Well, so, here she is, one twirl skirt UNDER her snow white dress (courtesy Wesley & Julia), one cape around her neck, and one twirl skirt as a rather cumbersome veil.

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