I was an art major in college. I say this because I know... I KNOW art isn't about being "the best" because there is no such thing. You can have all the talent in the world and you're still not going to be "the best".
SO I'm not sad that I'm not the best. But geez, I feel low. I was searching photography sites today looking for inspiration as I headed into my two photoshoots - just a little shot in the arm to make sure I was thinking fresh.
And now I'm bogged down in the glory of these other photographers.
In the end its probably a mix of "well they are much much better than me" and "they aren't me"... i.e. the part that isn't experience/knowledge is the x factor that is that particular person's style.
I'll use April as an example (hi April!)... I felt like we really clicked as art students - but when I would look at the ENERGY in her work - spirals and movement galore all fit together into a tight composition I wouldn't even feel inadequate because they were SO her that I couldn't even begin to try to copy it. Well, I take that back - when I did try to take an element from her stuff it ended up being one of my favorite prints that I've done. SO you know... copying is a good form of learning too.
What's my point? My point is I feel so BLAH in comparison to the sites I went looking at today...
9 months ago
Well, see, I think you've made a point here about just being the BEST at what YOU do, i.e., you have your own stroke of brilliance and you just have to take that and run with it. Like the way you capture those shy little moments with kids....I just love that.
And now I'm hearing in my head a whole way to expand this into a metaphor for life: you just have to figure out how to be the best YOU and then you're golden. It simply doesn't matter how other people shine at being THEM because...you aren't them. Got it?
Sorry you got down today. I happen to love your photographs. : )
I totally get it, and totally agree...
But its almost exactly like seeing someone I think is prettier than me... I don't actually have the idea in my head that "I must do whatever I can to become her" but all the same there is this wistful... "wow, wish I was that"
you know?
It's not terribly helpful, it's just one of those moments.
i get what you're saying.
but maybe a part of it is that being an artist, we wear our hearts on our sleeve? if someone doesn't like my stuff, or if i'm not different *enough* from the next, then it seems like it's a reflection of ME? i struggle with that big time.
but as i told you, i think your work is brilliant. i LOVE photography, and wish i could capture things that YOU see. for one i would need to get a cool camera like you - insert jealousy. but that's beside the point. i can see that your work is stunning. it's unique. your eye is unique, and it captures things that only you see. no one can compare to that and you need to trust in YOU.
by the way, i really wish we were closer so that i could learn from you and see what you do. your talent is rare, and unique, and gifted, and needs to be explored more and more - which you're doing.
may these inadequate feelings encourage you to keep being the best, you.
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