Thursday, November 06, 2008

My Computer's Back and You're Gonna Be In Trouble...

Hey la, hey la... my computer's back.

Of course I'm afraid to test the thing that made it mess up last time. I just want to keep my OWN computer where everything that I want to work the way that it works, works... if that makes any sense.

I was caretaker to FOUR kids for most of today (photos to be attached above). Shannon had her gall bladder out and is not 100%... or 50% for that matter yet. So what's a Godmother to do, but grab her godchildren and make a road trip out of it?

Wesley and Julia were exceptional travelers. Wesley kept up conversation the entire way. Not overbearing or loud... just simple conversation about festivals and a funny commercial he'd seen.

We had an hour to hang out before Abby got home and we did well.

We had pizza without incident and played outside without incident (well, Julia got UP the playhouse and then refused to come down either way and just kept saying "help" in a non-urgent sort of way).

Then, shock of all shocks, resttime/naptime went off without a hitch as well. I'll always be here when they need me but today went so well I almost don't want to try it again and lose my triumph.

They were getting a little sick of me by 5, but Dave was on his way and discussing exactly where he was on the road helped pass the time.

I had to get used to answering to "Da" which is what Julia calls me... shorthand for "Adrea" or "aDA" I'm not sure, but it works. She was a faithful reporter of anytime Jack wanted me.

Wesley was fraternal as could be with Jack, "aren't you cute."

Seriously, except for a couple little sibling things, this was SMOoOoOoth sailing.

It did help that we watched some tv which is not usually the norm over at the other house...but we DID mostly play.


Dave said...

You are a saint. And your Godchildren ADORE you. Thanks for giving the kids such a fun day.

Dave said...

In regards to Wesley's interactions with Jack, I was just commenting to Shannon tonight how much this past week has really shined a light on the nurturing side of Wesley. There's been a whole lot of "taking care" of Mommy and Julia on his part...