Monday, October 13, 2008

The Funk Before...

I apparently really just have to get funkily down before I can get up and do stuff.

Things looking significantly better today. Dishes done... plans made to get notary stuff I've been putting off for over a YEAR done... all sorts of hope for lots of stuff done today...

Weight which was going up slowly after weaning, took a plateau and is going back down - that's good. I'm only a pound away from my goal (I was three pounds passed my goal heading steadily into ideal land then I weaned Jack).

We have heat. Amazing.

Stresses still out there:
no computer easily accessible for photoshop while Steve is gone
cars need finessing
some bills need paying - I'll get on that now... (got it, check)

1 comment:

Tims said...

free notary at LAC... Linda Nueunberg... CFO of use her...

xo this is sarah not tim