I had to put that in there because... it was just so... hilariously... I don't know.
Part Two: As I may have mentioned, Abby has started naming things (people, places, stuffed animals) finally. Except she's not naming them Bob, Jane, Mary. No, she's naming them "ptuchey la la hookcha." "Bear Bear" (pictured below) is now "Princess Tahukney Putnkey" and Nevada the state is a performance of hands raised, hissing and roaring then tossing herself to her knees. She will repeat this at will so please do not suggest she do this on concrete.
Part Three: Her imagination is vivid and quite maternal since so many babies have been sprouting up around us. In the below picture she is cradling a rock which she told Gramma was a blue baby elephant.
"Ptuchey la la hookcha" made me laugh out loud for a solid 2 minutes.
I noticed the naming thing myself, except the names are so long I can't remember them long enough to repeat and question. Are they always the same name or does she make up a new name (which is what I thought) for each hour? I will take note and report any results I can remember.
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