But I already look back sentimentally and know that my favorite photos I put up on here.
And this... I love.
This is again one of those peeks into what Abby will look like when she's all grown up...
And even besides that I love that she is just so happy to be outside in the freezing cold wind (yes actually colder outside than it was inside due to the wind chill) holding her bag within her purse and her easter flower headband wearing her pink Princess pants that I pretended weren't muddied while she fell playing soccer on the driveway - because if she noticed there was dirt on them she'd insist on changing. Of course it was the basketball she was kicking around. She is currently insisting that it is the soccer ball that you use hands to play with.
I will say that this is the last week our house should be mistaken for the Artic or a boiling pot depending on the season. The Air/Heat is going in and there have been minimal disasters.
I keep thinking that this will answer so many of life's problems. Like dressing. At the moment it takes me a supreme effort to bring myself to dress in anything other than sweats because anything not comfy cozy doesn't make it worth my while to expose myself to the freezing air for however short a time. I picture myself looking through my clothes as if I don't have a care in the world; rather than how I stand now in front of my closet - hunched over in miserable anticipation - knowing that no matter what I chose I will hate life for those ten seconds it takes me to change from my flannel jammies into whatever.
Trust me though - there will be adjustments that need to be made. For example - right now, if I left the milk out over night - there would be no difference in temperature! Yup... no more using the counter as a third fridge.... how will I ever survive?
Oh well, finding the mystery leak in the laundry room and worrying about rusty water is sure to distract me for a time.
I won't even remember how horrible it was. Well... who are you kidding - yes I will... and I'll remind everyone often.
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