We officially... or... I think officially. Half officially? have a new pastor at Lake Ave. Hazel? Is it not totally official until he officially accepts?
I was particularly excited about this Sunday which meant we were going to hear him preach for the first time but also just for the general excitement of starting the next generation of Lake. But I was surprised by the emotion of the day.
After all, this man will become a staple to our family history. And we were there at the beginning of his history at Lake. It was really special. Especially - when he was introduced with his family the congregation gave him this huge standing ovation (obviously partly that was a gratitude to God thing too for bringing us someone) and I don't know if he was emotional about it or not, but it just felt like an important moment. I was proud of our congregation for showing such total support and welcome even before the vote.
I think that started things off well. I was proud to be part of the day. And I'm proud to have known two people on the committee that found the new pastor. Hazel, even if it meant you didn't have salsa and hot fudge with me enough, you did a good work. *Awkward kiss on your forehead.*
9 months ago
1 comment:
you are right in your thoughts that's it's not official until he accepts -- which he did (yahoo!) and i don't think it's officially official until the formal job offer gets made from ministry council - but that's a matter of process...
i spoke to many people following the service that were very emotionally moved. i was suprised at the tears that were streaming from my face. (i got some work done on removing the cement, you know) ... but god was SO clearly present, the painful chapter of the past couple years is finally drawing to a close in a tangible way - and i found it so beautiful the way people responded in going up for prayer..... it was a mix of awe - that god could possibly bring us such a person.... hmmm... perhaps i should start applying that to my own life, huh??? but aside from that, i think we have some incredible teaching coming our way - and i'm beyond thrilled for the staff - that they get to work for such a humble, god-centered leader.....
ok, i'll stop. ;)
had fun with you on friday.... i think my favorite part was looking over at you and cracking up at all that was transpiring.... ohhh, good times.
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