WELL we proved this weekend that Poppa's place in Camarillo works just fine. And in fact, we don't have to climb down Mt. Everest to get to the pool. Poppa slathered us with snacks and food options, held the baby, played "water horse" in the pool with Abby, and even got up at 6 in the morning to drive me to the Triathlon (which we got lost going to, but thats just the way my family rolls).
We got food to go Saturday night and went out to brunch after Steve's race. Steve got a professional Poppa massage and then soaked in the hot tub. Having Gramma around didn't hurt either.
You know, despite what you may think (I do, after all take a LOT of pictures) Jack has not been particularly exposed to the flash of a camera. This is his innocent little face staring at the red Elph light right before the flash. He flinched something awful when the flash went off. And we, his loving mom and gramma, laughed really hard.
The point is, no matter how much my parents spoil me and their grandkids rotten, a really nice weekend just isn't super nice unless Steve's there too... prone to naps though he may have been.
Oh my gosh. The lawn chair picture is so darling (especially knowing the story behind it.)
When did Steve have his second nipple removed?
the same time you got your third put in... uh oh... you don't think...
Code of silence, remember?
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