Haven't been talking much about my photo hobby. I've basically been concentrating on uploading a picture a day to the photography blog.
Someone asked me why bother with that sort of marketing so to speak if I don't plan on making money, and I decided it was like the old concept of - if you want to be a writer, write every day. I don't necessarily ever need to make money being a photographer (said with snooty tone), but I want to get really really good. SO I dabble in it every day. That is the concept for the challenge.
I particularly like getting an older picture I'd given up on because I didn't know what it needed or didn't know photoshop even more than I don't know it now, to shine.
I think hobbies are important. I think focusing on one makes all the difference in the world... (no offense oh collector of hobbies sis-in-law). I think that concentration is the best defense against giving up. I mean most of us have trouble fitting in fun or passion into our day. Us moms are notorious for that, though I am not sure why. Working people are no better at it, in fact, possibly worse because most mothers I know are pretty 110% passionate about their kids... so even if we're doing nothing else we ARE being passionate about something we love every single darn ding day. I suppose we're so infamous for needing hobbies because those kids are so completely independent from us in truth and eventually in reality, the idea is not to invest in the kids as if they were a painting we created that we'll someday hang from the wall when we make it "good enough." No, those kids take our passion and hopefully thrive and build their own passions and seldom realize anything but a lot of love and cookie dough went into parenting them. SO in order to "remain ourselves" we are encouraged to have something that is ours that we CAN tuck away into our pocket or on our wall and say "It's mine. ALL mine."
So the photography. It certainly makes sense that that would be MINE, (all mine)... considering my checkered photography past... from elementary school on.
It's certainly something I am totally capable if not happy if not downright excited to do every single day. It's not a stretch, in other words, to make sure I take photos/mess with photos every day forever and a day.
I could write everyday, but it wouldn't be downright exciting.
I could eat cupcakes everyday... that would be sort of close...
Anyway, I'm enjoying myself.
Next step, when Jack is weaned and it's not a stress, is a photography class where I can eagerly try to get praise from some teacher. I do love being graded.
The funny thing is though, is now I put aside my favorite photos that I take to save for my picture a day on the photography blog. So I save my not favorite, but perhaps best story-telling photos for this blog and the Abby&Jack blog. And snapfish... poor snapfish... suffers greatest.
And my little point and shoot. Great little camera... has a months worth of photos stuck on it.
I'll put that on my to do list for tomorrow, to get those photos off there and to upload pictures to snapfish.
9 months ago
Adrea, I've looked through a bit of your photography and I think it's really, really great! I'm completely interested in what affects you add in post. Will you show me sometime please?
I'm really trying to practice focus... :)
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