I don't know about the rest of you poor saps, but I happened upon a Fairy Mother-In-Law. Beautiful bed linens (maybe if I thought the bed was really really beautiful made... I'd make it). Clothes that made me feel cool enough during pregnancy to feel like a celebrity... or at least really human. A recurring gift of housekeeping every year for my birthday. A windfall of wonderfully cute clothes for my kids that scratches that very itch that I so much want to splurge. Gift cards to places that I shouldn't go but can go to now and then guilt free. Plenty of Zoozie-esque (yet appropriate) spoiling of the grandkids. Spa get-a-ways for the girls- coolest gift ever.
And now of course (with the help of my [well... I won't call David my Fairy Father-in-law because somehow I don't think he'd appreciate that ;)] - but with his great involvement too) the help in bringing my mom's retirement right around the corner.
It's the "little" treats that she gives that make it easy to stay on the budget and keep everything under control.
She is also, I might add, a very caring person. When I'm stressed or sad she is someone to listen and sympathize, when I'm happy, she is someone who wants to hear it, when I'm annoyed she's available to shake her fist at the situation with me, and even to give incredibly sound and tricky advice during a rough patch. She's the first one to add flowers to brighten any situation (even though she's perfectly aware I am going to accidentally murder them all the moment she drives away). She's also pretty funny if her children ever let her get a word in edgewise.
Of course it's not all wine and roses. I was perfectly happy living my life believing I was eating a good vegetable by eating corn. I was quite effectively relieved of this belief on my very first family bbq by this very same woman. It's a starch everyone, in case you didn't know. And apparently no good for you at all.
Despite the corn fiasco, I'm very very thankful. And pretty tickled. Abby has the cutest new clothes courtesy of my fairy godmother in law... squeeeee.

This is the best picture of her outfit yesterday I could get and it doesn't quite do it justice... the pants are just a little bit capri for the summer heat... sigh... *so* cute.
She really IS a WONDERFUL mother in law... even if she temps my husband with burrito express... ;)
I can verify that, as I also get to bask in the generosity of the fairy god mother-in-law (and the not a fairy god father-in-law).
A happy day for me was the day my daughter married the number one son and gave me not only a perfect (so I'm feeling sentimental)son-in-law, but a perfect (VERY sentimental) extended family to enjoy.
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